You/Lena Luthor - Paparazzi Part 2

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TW: Death

AN: Eh I couldn't write what you had requested. It just didn't make sense for the reader to get better so I decided to do this. Hopefully this is okay

"What do you mean that she's refusing to eat?"

Kara knew it was wrong to eavesdrop on Lena's call but she couldn't help it. Lena had been hiding something for a while now but she couldn't figure out what it was. Kara wanted to trust that Lena would eventually tell her but she never said anything.

"She says that she wants to see you, Ms. Luthor. Obviously, that's not a choice so considering that you're her guardian at the moment, we're asking if you wish us to hook her up to an IV"

Lena rubbed her temples, already feeling a headache coming up. Everytime you took a step forward in the right direction, you always ended up taking 5 steps back after. She wanted to get you better. It was her fault she was like this. You had no one and if she didn't help you, no one else will.

"Do it. I'll be visiting tomorrow."

"Ms. Luthor, I highly advise against....."

"I'm keeping your hospital afloat, director. You'll do as I say."

When Kara hears Lena hang up, she immediately returns her attention to the word document in front of her. When she comes out of her office, Kara looks up to give her a smile.

"How was the meeting?"

"It was fine. I'll need to go in tomorrow. Is that okay?"

Kara didn't let the hurt show as Lena lied. She just nodded.

"That's okay. Come sit. Lets watch a movie."

"I'm sorry, Kara. I have a million things to do. Raincheck?"

The blonde wasn't surprised that Lena couldn't sit down to watch a movie. Lena had stopped spending time with Kara for a couple of weeks now. The only time they spent time together was at night when they shared the bed and dinner.

"Yeah. I have a ton of work too."


Lena wanted to tell Kara about what she was doing. She kept making promises about doing it every week but she always chickened out. She couldn't imagine what Kara would tell her or say when she learned about what she had been doing.

"Ms. Luthor, please..."

"Enough. Take me to her room or I'll fire you and promote someone who will listen."

Afraid to lose his job, the man led Lena to your room.


"Lena! You came to see me!"

You had lost a lot of weight. There were bags under yours eyes and your voice was hoarse. It pained Lena to see you like this. Just another life that a Luthor ruined.

"I did, darling. The doctor told me that you weren't eating. You promised you were going to listen to them, (y/n)."

You pouted, hating whenever she got after you.

"I'm sorry, Lena. I just missed you. You said you were going to come visit me a month ago and you never did."

"I had a lot of work to do but I made the time to call you."

"I know but I needed to see you. Hearing your voice can only do so much."

Lena nodded and moved to take a seat besides your bed.

"I actually came to tell you some good news, (y/n)." She reached over to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. "You'll be coming home with me by next week."

You couldn't believe that you were finally getting out. Lena had kept her promise! You were right to not listen to any of the doctors that told you she had only told you that out of fear. There was nothing for her to fear. Lena had broken up with Kara so you didn't have a reason to hurt her.

"Really? I'll get to finally share an apartment with you? Oh, I knew this would happen!"

For a second, you forgot about the restraints, attempted and failed to hug her. You failed to notice Lena flinch as you moved.

"Not exactly. You'll be staying in a lab. One that will help you get better."

"Okay! I'll go wherever you want me to go, Lena."


You only saw Lena a couple of hours of the day. Sometimes you didn't see her for days but she always made sure to call you at least once for day. She would run tests on you that you ended up losing track of everything she had done. All that mattered to you was that Lena wanted you to do this.

"I think we're ready to test out the new drug, (y/n). Are you ready?"

You nodded at her, smiling widely at the thought of what might come after if the drug was a success. After months of being locked up in her lab, you might potentially get to go out and live the life you wanted with Lena.

"I am! Lets do this. I can't wait for the tests to be over."

Lena smiled and proceed to insert the black liquid in your IV. She walked over to her screen and monitored your brain activity as the liquid spread across your body.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel fine. Normal. Is this supposed to do anythin......" You started to breath heavily, trying to catch your breath. You felt like you were suffocating. "W..what's going...." Your vision started to blur as you started gasping for air. Lena rushed over to your side and did everything she could to help you breathe. "Le...."

Your heart monitor went flat all of a sudden. Lena hurried to pull out the defibrillator and restart your heart but it was useless. All her attempts to restart it failed.


"What did you do Lena?"

Lena had called Kara and hour later. After what happened she couldn't keep quiet about it.

"I t...tried to help. I thought I was going to help her."

Kara followed Lena's line of sight. Her eyes widening in horror when she realized what was under the blanket.


This is the list of prompts that I will be doing

Feel free to request a prompt on my 'Request Page.' If I didn't reply to your prompt request, send me a message with your prompt.

Saskia de Merindol - Part 3 //maybe

Lena Luthor - Rocket Science

Morgana Pendragon - Hidden

Lena Luthor - Life

Morgana Pendragon - Capture

Lena Luthor - Alone

Lena Luthor - Moments


Thank you!

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