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the six boys were awkwardly standing in the middle of the pizzeria. "family reunion?" mark chuckled awkwardly.

"h-here i'll get us a pizza and-and we can all sit down." jaemin insisted, rushing to the back room.

the six boys were sat down at a table, awkwardly eating pizza.

"so...how did this happen?" donghyuck asked, being the last to arrive (excluding jisung.)

"mark-hyung is the new employee here with me, and then renjun order pizza, and then jeno and chenle burst in saying they wanted to visit me but the other two were here too and then you came." jaemin explained.

"so....where's jisung?" renjun questioned, looking to the boys he called home.

"no one really knows." chenle sighed, looking at renjun pitifully.

"we can worry about sungie later, how have you all been?" mark asked, looking at each boy hopefully.

"i've been good, i just got a deal with an art museum in the states, some of my work will be shipped over and put on display." renjun smiled, stuffing his face with pizza.

"i've been pretty good too! i had a great job at a cafe in thailand, the owner encouraged me to open one of my own. so i am." jeno smiled wildly, this jeno was much happier than the last one the dreamies saw.

"i conned jeno-hyung into giving me a job at his cafe so that fun." chenle mumbled, softly nudging the male.

"ive been working here for about two years, it's been pretty good...i found where my mom was burried, i visit a lot." jaemin said sadly, looking at donghyuck.

"i just quit my job at a strip club, the court got me in contact with my brother and his idiot friends." donghyuck smiled, looking at jaemin.

"what about you, hyung?" chenle asked, looking at the eldest.

"i just moved back from canada, i live with johnny-hyung for now." mark smiled.

the boys continued to catch up, awkwardly ignoring the romantic tension, yet enjoying their time together after so long.

suddenly, dong sicheng burst into the pizzeria. "hyunnie! jisung's in the hospital we got to go!" he yelled grabbing his husband's hand.

"di-did he just-" renjun started but was quickly cut off.

"yes he did now hurry up hyungs we have to go!" chenle yelled, throwing cash on the table and running out the door.

"whipped." renjun muttered running after the younger.

"ZHONG CHENLE SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!" donghyuck yelled at the boy who was a good block and a half ahead of the rest.

"JISUNG IS HURT HYUNG! I HAVE TO SEE HIM." chenle yelled back stopping in his tracks.

"look, lele. i understand, but let's run as a group yeah? we don't want you getting hurt." renjun smiled as they reached the young male.

" you would do the exact thing if this was jeno-hyung and jaemin-hyung." chenle grumbled, starting to run again. (much to the other's demise)

"that true, junnie?" jeno smirked before running ahead of the boy to catch up with chenle.

a flustered renjun quickly ran after the two mischievous boys, jaemin and donghyuck laughing their asses off as they joined him, and mark shaking his head.

well, at least he knew the dreamies didn't change that much.

chenle sprinted into the hospital, panting as he stood in front of the desk, the others close behind.

"may i help you?" the nurse, irene, asked.

"we're looking for patient park jisung." mark explained.

"he's still asleep right now but you can go see him, floor 127 room 7. he's under dr. lee taeyong."

"doyoung, get your ass down here right now." dr. lee hissed before hanging up the phone hastily.

"jisung, i swear to god kid, i met you in this exact situation i'm not watching you die in it too." taeyong groaned, sitting in his chair and just observing the boy.

jisung was laying on the bed, his dark blonde hair sticking to his forehead with sweat, the boy was still in partying clothes for gods sake. he had a nasty bruise on his cheek but it was hidden by the oxygen mask on his face. taeyong was heart broken seeing the boy attached to so many machines.

"dr. lee, your husband is waiting in your office." nurse joy said, walking away with the doctor following.

jaehyun and sicheng were sitting at jisung's side when the dreamies arrived to his room.

"where the fuck did you all come from?" sicheng murmured, letting go of jisung's hand for a moment.

"long story. how's jisung?" jaemin asked shuffling into the hospital room.

"he overdosed again, not sure on what. he's stable but weak." jaehyun explained, sicheng to upset to do it.

"he-he'll live right?" mark asked.

"he's jisung, mark. of course he'll live idiot." donghyuck grumbled lightly slapping the elders shoulder.

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