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the six boys all squished into jaemin's car, the latter apologizing about the few fast food bags strewn about.

"so...na jonghyun? not na donghyuck? i'm truly disappointed jaem." donghyuck tsked jokingly from the passenger seat.

"oh shut it. his mom picked the name out." jaemin rolled his eyes.

"are you still with his mom?" renjun asked hesitantly.

"no, his mom is out of the picture right now, just me and jonghyunnie. he's very excited to meet you." jaemin commented, looking at renjun in the rear view mirror.

"he knows about us?"

"mhm, he loves bed time stories so i tell him about his royal uncles, and papa's lost princes." he smiled, stoping at the red light.

"papa's lost princes, hmmm?" jeno hummed, looking at renjun who was sat next to him.

jaemin blushed as they pulled into the daycare parking lot.

"jaemin! there you are, jonghyun was getting worried." the owner, bang chan smiled.

"i'm sorry chan-hyung. i had an emergency pop up." jaemin apologized softly.

"so where is my little prince?"

"he's packing up, he made you a gift, for when you meet your lost princes." chan sighed sadly, jonghyun was still innocent.

"that right, hyunnie? well i found them~ they're waiting in the car." jaemin smiled, taking the paper crown his son made and putting it on his head.

"really?" the small boy asked, his own tiny crown on his head.

"mhm! uncle hyuckie, uncle mark, and uncle lele are there too." jaemin nodded, sliding chan some cash as they walked out.

"hyunnie~ this is prince jeno, and prince renjun, papa's lost prince's." he smiled, putting his son in the car seat behind the passenger seat.

"pretty!" jonghyun smiled, looking at the supposed prince's.

"mhm, you know king lele? the one who conquered the world with his partner king jisung?" jaemin asked, his son nodding.

"he's right behind you! along with prince  mark!" jaemin giggled happily, watching his son look back at the boys.

"who?" the boy asked pointing at donghyuck.

"that's prince hyuckie~ he is papa's best friend." the man explained getting in the drivers seat.

"where 'ing jiji?!" jognhyun asked curiously, all of the kings and prince's were there but him.

"king jiji got hurt in a vicious battle baby." jaemin said sadly, starting to drive towards his run down apartment.

"come on kid, wake up." taeyong sighed, grabbing jisung's clammy hand. "they're all back, lele, jaemin, mark, all of them. jaemin even has a kid now! lele was so upset to see you like this...we all any you to get better."

"tae, go home. doyoung and the kids are waiting, i'll keep an eye on him." irene sighed, watching her best friend stare at the unmoving body.


"go, we all know bomi won't sleep without both of you."

"call me if anything happens?" the doctor asked standing up.

"always tae. go." irene shook her head as the man ran out of the room.

"hyunnie, can you go sit on the couch for a minute?" jaemin asked leaning down so he was eye level with the toddler. jonghyun nodded, waddling off to climb on the couch.

"take off your shoes and sit wherever, i have to make jonghyun his afternoon snack." jaemin smiled, turning cartoons on for his son before walking to his tiny kitchen.

"lele!" jonghyun shouted making grabby hands at the young man.

"huh? me? what-what am i-" chenle stuttered, he wasn't the best with children.

"sit next to him, he'll climb in your lap." jaemin called from the kitchen.

chenle did as told, unsure what to do as the toddler climbed onto his lap, throwing his tiny hands around the mans waist and snuggling into chenle.

"awwww~" renjun cooed, sitting next to chenle on the couch, jeno on his other side.

"he likes you." jaemin giggled, walking out of the kitchen.

"hyunnie~ it's snack time! i made you eggs and fruit." jaemin smiled, softly unlaching his son from chenle.

"eggs!" jonghyun squealed in jaemin's hold.

jaemin secured his son in his high chair, before grabbing random chairs to pull up to the kitchen table.

"so, when you asked me to love with you earlier because you're supposedly lonely, why didn't you mention this cutie?" mark asked, eating some of the eggs jaemin made.

"i don't know to be honest, sometimes i forget i'm a dad." he explained, wiping banana off of his son's face.

"he's a sweet kid." mark smiled, looking at the toddler intently. "why don't lele, hyuckie and i watch him while you and your lost prince's talk."

jaemin guided renjun and jeno to him and jonghyun's room. "i've missed you two." he commented, sitting on his bed.

"i've missed you two, too." jeno and renjun said in sync.

"i still love you both, always have, always will. even when i slept with jonghyun's mother, it will always be you two." he said, fiddling with his fingers. "but, jonghyun is always going to be my top priority."

"i understand, if i had a child i would think exactly the same. and the same is for me, it will always be you two, but jonghyun is still a child, so let's go slow." renjun said, looking at the peeling paint on the walls of jaemin's room.

"i totally agree, you two always. i will always love you. but it's been four years, we need to talk more before we jump back in to a love." jeno nodded, softly setting his hand on jaemin's leg. "junnie and i just met the kid, but i think we both agree he is a very vital part of making this work again."

later, mark pulled jaemin aside for a minute. it was confusing to jaemin they were simply reading jonghyun a bed time story.

"you love them?" he asked, looking at jeno and renjun.

"more than anything. you love him?" jaemin asked in return, laughing at the fact nothing had changed in four years.

"more than anything."

"then fight for it."

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