bonus chapter: markhyuck wedding

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donghyuck was nervously passing the dressing room? mind moving a mile a minute.

he was getting married.

he was getting married to mark lee.

they'd been waiting for this moment but now that it was here, it was a lot to deal with.

did jeno need more help transferring the cake? was renjun going to be done with the flower arrangements in time? who was watching jiangping? chenle and jisung were both busy? would his suit fit? what if he trips down the isle? what if someone sits in his dad's seat? would marks parents be okay, sitting next to an empty chair?

"hyuck!" jaemin shouted, leaning in front of his best friend.

"yeah, nana?" donghyuck smiled, looking at his friend lovingly.

"she came." he breathed out shakily, none of them were expecting this. hell donghyuck only really sent the invite as a joke.

but, she's here.

"what?" donghyuck tilted his head confused, he had forgotten all about it. he didn't even remember who jaemin was talking about.

"your mom. your mom is here." jaemin reiterated, and realization hit donghyuck like a truck.

" no, jaem she can't be here! i don't want her here, why is she here!" donghyuck yelled, tears brimming his eyes.

"hyuck, breathe, breathe, jisung and i will take care of this, just-just breathe, yeah? do you want me to send renjun in?" jaemin asked softly, why now? why did she have to show up now?

donghyuck nodded and jaemin ran out of the room.

a soft yet urgent knock hit the door of mark's dressing room.

"come in!" jeno yelled, helping jisung tie mark's tie.

"i need to steal jisung." jaemin panted, opening the door.

"why? he's my best man? and you are hyuckie's shouldn't you be with him." mark exclaimed, looking at the younger through the mirror.

"hyuck's mom came. jisung and i need to kick her out, renjun is with hyuck right now." jaemin reasoned, not waiting for mark's response before dragging jisung out the door.

"he is my son! let me in!" the women yelled, gaining the attention of the geuss who were already seated and a very angry 5 year old jonghyun who came running over.

"ma'am, i'm afraid he doesn't want you here. please leave." jisung sighed, blocking the women as she tried to enter.

"he's. MY. son!" she yelled, trying to push past jisung and jaemin to no avail.

"hey, you!" jonghyun yelled,causing the three adults to stare at him astonished, "uncle hyuckie said to leave! so stop being a meanie face and listen!"

"yeah, what he said!" a small chanhee yelled from behind his best friend.

finally, with an insane amount of exasperation, she had left, and chanhee and jonghyun were proudly scooped up into jisung and jaemin's arms.

"JAEMIN! JISUNG! HURRY UP, THE GROOM'S NEED YOU!" shotaro yelled from across the venue, the two setting the kids down and sprinting to their respective dressing rooms.

"she's gone, hyuck. chanhee and jonghyun made her leave." jaemin panted once again, wrapping his arms around his best friend.

"that's good." hyuck lightened up, turning his head to look up at his best friend, "jaem?"

"yeah?" jaemin smiled.

"i need you to go ask taeyong and doyoung something for me." he started, fiddling with his fingers.

"mhm, what should i ask?"

"ask them...ask them if they will walk me down the isle."

the music started playing as chenle and jonghyun walked down the isle,
going to their respective sides of the isle (chenle carrying jonghyun to his spot.) soon followed by renjun and jeno, who went in front of their respective groomsmen sides. and then came the best men. jisung and jaemin, each giving mark a supportive pat on the shoulder.

donghyuck was wearing a white suite and butterfly clips in his dark brown hair. he had either arm looped with doyoung and taeyong, silently whispering into his ear, causing him to burst into a wide

as the trio reached the alter, mark's parents walked up to the alter and joined the duo's hands. mark was crying as he saw donghyuck's happiness and beauty as he took his hand.

shortly after, the moment finally came, they've been waiting for years.

"do you lee minhyung, take lee donghyuck, as your lawful husband?"

"i do"

"and do you, lee donghyuck, take lee minhyung as your lawful husband?"

"i do."

"congratulations, i know province you man and husband, you may now kiss the groom."

they're lips connect softly, a soft giggle escaping donghyuck's lips as mark started crying again, he heard the loud cheers from their friends, and suddenly, it was his turn to cry, because as he turned around, he could of sworn he heard his dad for one last time.

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