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jeno and chenle were setting up tables in the cafe, it was about noon they got home late the night before. jonghyun had insisted that they all tucked him into bed.

"so, lost prince jeno, how was the talk?" chenle asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"it was fine, dickhead. we all agreed that jonghyun was the top priority, we're going on a date tomorrow before jaemin has to pick jonghyun up." jeno explained, groaning as he and chenle lifted the way to heavy table.

"that's good, i know that jonghyun will have a good life if it is you three as his parents, much better than any of ours." chenle commented.

"that kid, deserves so much better than what we got, and i will make sure he gets it." jeno said, harshly dropping the table down.

"how many more fucking tables are we moving?" chenle whined stomping his feet like a toddler.

"six...screw it, i'm making johnny and xuxi move these." jeno sighed, sliding down the checkout bar.

"good decision hyung." chenle nodded sliding next to the male.

"did he wake up?" taeyong asked immediately as he rushed into jisung's room.

"yes i did." jisung smirked, looking at taeyong.

"oh my god kid! you scared me!" taeyong said, pulling the younger into a tight hug.

"it wasn't that bad, hyung." jisung tried to reason, only receiving a glare from the elder.

"the dreamies...they're back." taeyong said as he started checking jisung's vitals.

"who?" jisung said, and taeyong's heart shattered.

"you know them, come on jisung please just playing a stupid joke like last time." taeyong sighed, looking at the boy.

"i-i don't know who the dreamies are, hyung." jisung stated innocently.

"mark, renjun, jeno, donghyuck, jaemin, chenle?" taeyong listed off the boys names, hoping something would spark in jisungs dense brain.

"chenle?" jisung breathed out, it all came rushing back. "chenle? like-like the  zhong chenle?"

"yes, a lot has changed, jaemin has a kid, jeno has become this healthy muscular man, renjun is a successful artist, mark works with jaemin at a pizza shop, and chenle is working with jeno at his new cafe, and you, you're in a hospital bed after overdosing for the third time." taeyong sighed, sitting at the end of the boys bed.

"let them help you." he smiled, "sicheng and jaehyun are waiting outside, once i finish your vitals your free to go."

"mark lee, if you touch that pizza i will slaughter you!" jaemin shouted as he put a piping hot pizza in the window.

"wasn't planning on touching a burning hot pizza, jaem!" the elder yelled back before grabbing a different pizza and bringing it to an elderly couples table.

"uhh a small hawaiian pizza and a small met lovers?" mark said setting the plates in their respective spots. "anything else you folks need today?" he asked, tucking the warmer than comfortable tray under his arm.

"i think we're okay, thank you." the old lady smiled, waving the boy off.

just as he was walking to the back to get an order put in for jaemin he saw something at one of the booths, it was donghyuck, he was awkwardly sitting in the corner, obviously trying not to cry.

"hey hyuck! everything okay for you all?" mark asked, he knew this was seungcheol's table and not his but he couldn't help it.

"yeah-yeah everything is fine, right hyuck?" the female next to him growled.

"ye-yeah fine. can you get johnny-hyung? i need to talk to him." donghyuck smiled scared.

mark practically ran to get johnny, something was wrong.

"jisung, you-you could of died!" sicheng scolded the young male as they were driving to jeno's new cafe.

"that was kind of the point in doing it hyung." jisung grumbled, leaning back in his seat.

"we are not putting you in that hospital for care so instead you're gonna stay with jeno and chenle." jaehyun explained softly.

"fine." jisung sighed, not up to arguing.

"mark what is so goddamn urgen-" johnny stoped scolding the young man when he saw the position donghyuck was in, pinned against his seat sobbing.

"excuse me, ma'am? what's happening?" johnny said, crossing his arms as he stared at one of the three ladies surrounding donghyuck.

"nothing." she hissed, johnny noticed the hand gripping donghyuck's thigh harshly.

"i'm going to have to ask you to leave ma'am, i can see you are assaulting other customers." johnny said motioning towards her tight grip on donghyuck.

"he deserves it the whore." she mumbled, grabbing her stuff and pulling her friends with her. "fuck you, lee donghyuck."

"are you okay?" mark asked, looking at donghyuck softly. "that's a stupid of course you aren't, i have work but how about you go to jeno's with johnny-hyung and xuxi-hyung?" he smiled helping the shaking boy out of the booth, giving him a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead before sending him johnny's direction.

"MARK!" jaemin yelled motioning towards the pizza's in the window.

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