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"good morning, jaemin and jonghyunnie." mark smiled walking into their shared kitchen, it had been about three days and mark had moved into jaemin's apartment.

"morning markie!" jonghyun giggled from his chair where jaemin was attempting to fix his hair.

"mark-hyung, we have to drop jonghyun off to renjun, the daycare is closed." jaemin smiled anxiously, his son would not stop moving.

"okay, don't you think you should change him out of pajamas before doing his hair?" mark asked, poring himself a glass of milk.

"what would i do without you." jaemin exclaimed noticing his son was still in his dinosaur onesie.

"i honestly don't know how you didn't kill this kid being by yourself for a year." mark laughed, going to help jaemin with jonghyun.

"can you find a top jonghyun?" jaemin asked, opening the boys drawer. "this one? the yellow one?" jaemin clarified, picking up the yellow winnie the pooh onesie.

"what about bottoms?" mark asked, grabbing the shirt from jaemin. the small child picked out a white tutu with leggings.

"okay, my angle." jaemin smiled.

"oh hello hyunnie!" renjun exclaimed, opening his apartment door, the latter was wearing a white t shirt and black jean shorts.

"daddy!" jonghyun shouted making grabby hands towards renjun.

the three males froze, jonghyun just called renjun daddy. jaemin was practically about to drop his son, so mark took him from the younger, renjun also was in shock, and part of his heart swelled.

"you want me to be your daddy?" renjun asked, grabbing jonghyun from mark after he had calmed down a bit.

"daddy junnie and-and dada jeno and-and-and papa!" jonghyun squealed, burring his head in renjun's neck.

"hmm we'll see if we can work that out for you, little prince." renjun smiled, kissing the top of the one year olds head.

"nana, you, me and jeno, we need to talk after your off work." renjun said, closing the door on the flustered boy.

"jisung~ wake up." chenle giggled, tickling the boy he was straddling.

"no~ lele wanna sleep." jisung groaned, voice deep.

"we have to get up and help hyung." chenle said, sitting down on the boy he was straddling.

"rather stay here with you." the younger smirked opening his eyes.

"we can make out later sungie. now we have work." chenle giggled, leaning down to kiss jisung.

"wanna do it now." jisung whined, before hastily connecting his lips to chenle's.

"i know baby, but let's not get jeno-hyung angry." chenle smirked, pulling away from his lovers soft lips.

chenle quickly got off of jisung, the younger whining after his lover. but finally getting out of bed.

"your hair is a mess." chenle giggled as the younger walked out in a oversized t-shirt and boxers. "and where are your pants?" the elder exclaimed, squishing the youngers thigh.

"haven't put them on yet i'm comfy." jisung whined, looking at his boyfriend.

"i know, baby. but we have to work so you need pants." chenle giggled, pushing his boyfriend into their room.

"why are you guys late?" jeno sighed when the couple walked in, noticing the hickey's adorning the youngest neck.

"sungie wouldn't get out of bed." chenle mumbled sheepishly, walking to put an apron on.

"we open tomorrow so no more early make out sessions." jeno shook his head, laughing at the two boys.

"yes sir." the two boys saluted before going to the kitchen.

"why do we have to have a talk?" jeno asked, walking into renjun's apartment and slipping off his shoes.

"jonghyun callled me daddy." renjun said, his face lit up with joy.

"really?" jeno asked astonished looking from jaemin to renjun and back.

"he referred to you as dada as well." jaemin added, looking at the boy with admiration.

"damn your kid gets attached fast..." jeno mumbled an adoration.

"he normally doesn't i think he can tell i love you guys." jaemin smiled softly.

"we love you too, alway have always will." renjun smiled, grabbing jeno's hand.

"i don't think i'm ready to become a full time dada to jonghyun just yet but i will always be here for him." jeno smiled rubbing jeamin's knee.

"i understand, i-i noticed that you aren't doing the best right now, me and jun got hyunnie, you worry about yourself." jaemin said, looking at the latters long sleeves.

"y-yeah." jeno mumbled pulling down his sleeves.

"can you roll your sleeves up?" renjun asked, letting go of the boys hand.

"no." jeno barked, pulling his hands to his chest.

"jen...please." jaemin looked at the male pitifully.

jeno slowly rolled his sleeves up, tears rolling down his face.

his forearm was littered in fresh and old scars.

"jeno, baby, look at me." renjun called. "we got you."

"you two start without me okay? be jonghyun's daddy and papa, and i might join later i'm just i'm not ready." jeno hiccuped, and they understood, they would always understood.

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