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"sungie~~~ wake up." chenle called softly, his boyfriend asleep on donghyuck's lap.

"lele?" jisung questioned sleepily, eyes still closed.

"yes, sungie. nana-hyung and jonghyun are coming soon, you can take a nap with the baby later." chenle smirked, running a hand through jisungs fluffy hair.

jisung groaned, fluttering his eyes open and sitting up. "is my face puffy?" he asked softly.

"yes, but it's cute." chenle giggled, pecking jisung's lips softly.

"you're face is cute puffy too." jisung smiled cheekily, pulling chenle into his lap.

"do you remember when we first met, and i had that panic attack, so you sat next to me and told me about your trip to china, how you met this kid, and how everything would be okay?" chenle asked, shuffling to sit next to jisung rather than on him.

"mhm , i do. what about it?" jisung hummed, ignoring his hyungs talking around them.

"that's when i knew i was in love with you." chenle giggled, looking at his lover softly. "i didn't know what love was at the time, but i do now."

"awwww, you guys are so cute, take the kid." jaemin smiled, lifting jonghyun up and placing him in jisung's lap.

"papa!!! i wanna see daddy, not jiji!" jobghyun whined, thrashing around in jisungs lap.

"wow, got beat by jeno babe, tough luck." chenle stuck his tongue out.

"daddy!! i wan daddy!" jonghyun giggled happily, jumping in jisungs lap.

"okay, okay, little prince, daddy is here, come on." jeno laughed, picking jonghyun up and taking him into the kitchen.

"how are you doing, hyuck?" jaemin asked softly, shooing mark into the kitchen.

"i've been better, but i've also been worse." donghyuck said, it's been about five months since they all came back together, but he still has missed jaemin.

"i know you have...but i'm here, i always will be." jaemin smiled, he had missed donghyuck too.

"nana and haechan versus the world." donghyuck giggled, it had been a long while since it's been nana and haechan.

"full sun. always." jaemin shook his head, "jonghyunnie called you the sun on our way here. it reminded me of that, of haechan and nana."

"remember when dada died? and it was just you and i?" donghyuck asked.

"of course i do, hyuck." jaemin smiled.

"you remember dada's other son?" donghyuck asked again.

jaemin nodded.

"i found him, juyeon, a little while ago. dada used to visit him a lot. before mama left, and even afterwards. he is really great. i think you'd like him." donghyuck explained.

"yeah? that's great hyuck-ah. we should invite him over to meet us one day." jaemin offered.

"i'll text him right now, he has ten overly protective friends, like you but worse." donghyuck giggled, opening his phone.

long lost bros // 6:54 p.m.

donghyuck: hey, juyeon-hyung?

juyeon: yeah, donghyuck-ah?

donghyuck: my friends want to meet you

juyeon: oh. my friends wanna meet you to. let's schedule something.

donghyuck is typing....

"where's renjun?" mark asked as he and jeno sat in the kitchen with jonghyun.

"he is helping set up a collection at museum. he'll stop by later, i have to go pick him up." jeno explained, setting jonghyun in mark's lap.

"now, for you little prince, what do you want daddy to make for dinner?" jeno smiled, jonghyun's bed time was creeping closer and he knew there was no way jaemin was getting home by then.

"mac n cheese!!! mac n cheese!!!" the toddler chanted happily, smiling wildly.

"okay, prince, daddy will make mac n cheese, how bout uncle mark helps you get in your pajamas?" jeno smiled, ruffling the  boys hair and sending pleading eyes towards mark.

"you're lucky i love you jen, come on hyunnie." mark shook his head standing up.

"okay, kiddo, where does jeno keep your pjs?" mark asked, as they walked into jeno's room.

"bottom drawer!!" jonghyun giggled as mark set him on the bed.

mark groaned getting onto his knees and opening the bottom dresser drawer, as he spotted three different pairs of toddler pajamas (onesies), he also saw a photo framed at the bottom.

he moved the pajamas aside and looked at the photo. it was the seven of them on the last day nct hospital was open. they all had a copy of that photo, and underneath that was a photo of jeno, with who mark assumed was his mom.

he carefully set both photos up on the dresser before grabbing the green dinosaur pajamas for jonghyun. (stream dino abc.)

as he brought jonghyun out to jeno again, there was something that was so off about that photo of jeno and his 'mom', he couldn't quite place a finger on it.

he said he had to grab something he left in jeno's room, he didn't, he just needed to see the photo again.

there were two kids in the photo and two moms. they were at the park, and in the background, there were two little boys playing on the swings.

it clicked in marks brain.

it was in fact jeno and his mom.

but it was also jaemin and his mom.

and the two kids on the back...they looked so familiar, he had seen that photo before but from the other perspective, of the lady taking a photo in the back.

he quickly opened his phone, he found the photo on his moms facebook, you could see jeno and jaemin in the background.

one of the kids was him, but who was the other?

he looked at the caption.

'minhyungie and my best friends son, huang jingyi.'

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