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"what's up hyung?" jeno asked as he and mark sat at the table, eating mac and cheese with jonghyun.

"my mom was best friends with huang jingyi's mom. you know, renjun's half brother and jisungs old best friend." mark commented taking a bite of the food. "not even jisung knew who jingyi's mom was, but i found her."

"should-should i go get jisung? i'm pretty sure he'd like to know this." jeno was shaken up.

mark nodded, noticing that jonghyun was falling asleep in his chair. "go get renjun and jisung, you have to pick jun up anyways, i'll take care of your son." mark smiled.

"thank you, goodnight jonghyunnie." jeno smiled, planting a soft kiss on the toddlers head, "tuck him in my bed with some pillows on his side."

as jeno drove to get renjun, he thought more and more about what mark had said. no one knew who jingyi's mother was, and then all of the sudden, mark does.

it was weird, he stopped at the red light and grabbed a piece of gum. how? how did mark suddenly know? he just went into jeno's room.

as the light turned green and the car started moving again, it hit jeno. the photos, it had to be something with the photos.

he pulled into the parking lot of the museum, parked and locked his car and walked inside.

"jeno?" renjun smiled, he was just going to call the boy to pick him up.

"hi, junnie." jeno smiled, his renjun was very pretty with a black too, light blue flowing skirt and a blue beret.

"you're here early." renjun commented cutely, standing from his position on the floor.

"something came up, needed to get you home." jeno giggled, back hugging the month elder.

"are the boys okay?" renjun asked leaning back into jeno's touch.

"yeah, just some information was discovered, you need to hear it as soon as possible." jeno explained as they shuffled over to get renjun's coat and bag.

"what information? who found it?" renjun inquired, softly pushing jeno off of his shoulders.

"you'll find out, and mark-hyung found it. something about the photos in the bottom drawer with hyunnie's pajamas." jeno explained, as they started to walk out to the car.

"hmmm, okay." renjun sighed, sitting in the passenger seat.

"mark, we're home." jeno smiled, letting renjun walk in before shutting the door.

"good, sungie, come in the kitchen with me, yeah?" mark cocked his head to the right, he had already grabbed the photo when he and jaemin put jonghyun to bed.

"what's up mark-hyung?" renjun asked, stepping over jaemin and donghyuck's sleeping bodies and a half awake chenle.

"this photo, it's of jeno and his mom, along with jaemin and his mom when they were little." mark explained as they sat at the kitchen table.

"yeah? that's pretty obvious, hyung." jisung said confused.

"you see the woman in the background, taking a photo of some kids." mark continued brushing off jisung's comment.

"yes, i do hyung." renjun sighed, could the man get to the point.

"that's my mom. and i'm one of the boys on the swing. she posted the photo on facebook, and the other boy, is someone the two of you know well." mark said, taking out his phone and showing the picture, "huang jingyi."

"what? is-is that why he asked for you when he died?" jisung questioned, sobering up from his sleepy state.

"partially, in the post, my mom tagged jingyi's mom. wenyan kidnapped him, 2 months after this photo was taken. he didn't get custody from jingyi's mom, he kidnapped him from her." mark sighed, this cruel man.

"jingyi's mom? no one knew who jingyi's mom was?" renjun questioned.

"knew. i know now, and my mom is seemingly still in contact with her, her name is wang jinghua. i think we can get in contact with her and tell her about her son." mark finshed, opening wang jinghua's facebook and showing the missing person reports.

"mark, you're a god. thank you, thank you, thank you so much, jingyi would have wanted this-he-he is probably so happy right now. his mom will finally know." jisung exclaimed, jumping over and hugging mark tightly.

"yes, exactly, exactly what jisung said, thank you so much, it means the world to me to honor jingyi's legacy." renjun cried, also joining the hug.

"mark?" jeno called, he was still sitting in his original spot.

"yeah, jeno-ah?" mark smiled, patting jisung's head softly.

"what about your parents? you haven't talked to them since you were 13." jeno said sadly. they had to go through yeji and minho so it was believeable.

"don't worry about it, i've- i've been meaning to pay them a visit anyways." mark smiled sheepishly, he really had missed his parents, and he knew they would be proud with how he turned out.

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