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a/n - i messed up the timeline slightly so this takes place in late april, the cafe opened on jeno's birthday so it's late april early may rn.

two days. it's been two days and jisung was still in marks house. he didn't go to work, he didn't eat, he didn't talk, he didn't eat, and he didn't touch. 

"oh hi mark-hyung!" jeno smiled as the male walked into the cafe, they had about two other customer excluding mark and donghyuck who was playing with jonghyun.

"hi, jeno. you doing alright?" the eldest asked.

"i'm doing good! hyunnie stayed with me and hyuck last night so kinda tired but it's okay. what can i do for you?" jeno explained, and mark was glad with how happy the male looked, even with the dark circles.

"i need to talk to chenle, can i steal him for a minute?" mark asked sheepishly, but it was important he was not gonna lose jisung.

"yeah one second."

"what's up, hyung?" chenle asked as they stepped outside.

"talk to jisung." mark stated.

"has he made a decision?"

"no, he hasn't."

"then i'm not talking to him."

"you know, chenle. you told him that he can't have both because he would lose himself, and now he doesn't have either and is already gone." mark commented before walking away.

"what? hyung?! what does that mean?" chenle shouted as the elder walked away.

jaemin had just gotten off work so he and renjun went to the cafe. to see there boys.

"i think jen's doing a little better, he had a conversation with hyuck the other day and he's been feeling a lot better since then." jaemin smiled as the two walked hand in hand to the bus stop.

"that's good, how are you doing? you seem unsure what to do." renjun commented, looking at his red plaid skirt that covered the top of his thighs as they sat down.

"i havent had this much free time since jooho left, it's weird, and i don't even have to work extra like i thought because hyuck has been watching jonghyun so i'm taking him out of daycare." jaemin sighed, he didn't no what to do with himself.

"well, hyunnie is turning 3 in a few months right? you can make sure he has an extra special birthday." renjun smiled, squeezing jaemin's hand.

"yeah...june 6th, just like hyuck." jaemin smiled, he had forgotten how old his baby was getting, considering the fit he had a few nights ago about jeno.

"oh really? that will be fun." renjun smiled, donghyuck was going to love this.

"mhm. our stop is next."

"my loves! you've arrived." jeno smiled, the cafe was empty other than donghyuck and jonghyun.

"of course! how is our little prince doing?" renjun asked, softly kissing jeno afterwards.

"daddy!" jonghyun squealed spotting renjun, "we match!"

it was true, renjun was wearing a red plaid skirt, black fishnets, and a black crop top, and jonghyun was wearing red plaid pants and a black shirt.

"well would you look at that! we match perfectly, my little prince!" renjun giggled.

"didn't give you too much trouble did he?" jaemin asked, jeno and him were watching donghyuck and renjun play with the toddler.

"he was a sweetheart, he slept mostly through the night, he had a nightmare so he joined me in bed but afterwards he was sleeping like a baby." jeno smiled, kissing jaemin softly.

"mmm not infront of jonghyun, jen." jaemin mumbled against the elders lips.

"tonight, leave jonghyun with hyuck and chenle, i want norenmin time." jeno mumbled back, planting a final kiss on jaemin's lips.

"when did i agree to that- you know what okay just this once."

"jisung, can you come eat, please?" mark sighed, he hadn't seen the youngest eat since chenle lashed out.

"i'm worried." he said again, the bedroom door was locked, he couldn't get in.

just as mark started walking away, the doorknob turned and jisung walked out.

what surprised mark, was chenle came out after him, and they were both covered in hickeys.

"god damnit chenle, make up sex after a deep conversation was a good idea but why on my bed sheets." mark shook his head softly.

"we didn't have sex hyung!" chenle exclaimed, glaring at mark.

"ohhhh thank you for sparing my bed sheets." mark smiled, ruffling chenle's hair.

"hate that hyung." chenle mumbled to jisung who just giggled silently.

"you love me, i'm glad you guys got it figured out, but jisung, eat before you go." mark insisted

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