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"i've missed you so much." jisung said as he grabbed chenle's hand.

"i missed you too, sungie." he smiled, eyes watering, his jisung was in front of him alive.

"sorry you had to see me like that." jisung murmured, talking about the hospital.

"it's ok, jisungie. i'm worried about you though." the elder said, placing his hand on the chick like boy's cheek.

"no need to be, i'm gonna work here with you and jeno-hyung, i'll probably move in with you too. and i'll get better." jisung smiled down to the shorter boy.

"i-i, jisung, can-can i kiss you?" chenle asked, rubbing his thumb over the latters cheek.

"yeah." jisung breathed out, leaning down towards the black haired male.

"god i missed you." chenle giggled, connecting his lips with jisungs.

"i wish we kissed more four years ago." jisung said, pulling back for air, chenle was a good kisser.

"me too." chenle giggled, attacking the youngers lips again. his legs wrapped around jisung's waist as the taller pushed him up against a wall.

"oh dear lord, mark cover jonghyun's eyes!" jaemin exclaimed as he opened the back door of the shop, right where jisung and chenle were making out.

the two maknae's quickly pulled apart, jisung setting chenle on the floor softly. "sorry hyung." they both mumbled.

"wait jisung?" jaemin said, pulling the taller man into a tight hug, mark doing the same, trying his best not to squish jonghyun.

"is this the kid of yours, dr. lee was talking about?" jisung smiled, squishing jonghyun's cheek. jaemin nodded.

"what's your name?" jisung asked, looking lovingly at the tiny child.

"jonghyun!" the child exclaimed proudly, and jaemin was astonished he pronounced his name properly.

"how old are you, jonghyun-ssi?" jisung smiled.

"one!" he shouted.

"is that hyunnie i hear?" renjun smiled, leaning in the threshold of the hallway.

"junnie!!" the toddler squealed making grabby hands towards the male.

renjun shook his head and took the small boy out of mark's grip before walking back into the front where he was watching xuxi and johnny move tables.

"hyunnie, i made you pizza." mark smiled as they set up a make shift high chair for the small boy, (a.k.a jeno's lap and a bib.)

"pizza! pizza!" he smiled happily.

"okay hyunnie, be careful not to cover jeno in sauce." jaemin smiled, pinching jonghyun's cheek.

"ok papa." the small child smiled happily.

"open wide." jeno said, picking the small slice of pizza up. "here comes the airplane."

jonghyun happily nommed on the pizza, sauce dripping down his face. "pizza!" he shouted.

"finish chewing my little prince." jaemin chuckled, taking a napkin to jonghyuns chin.

"what's up hyuck?" mark asked as they stood in the doorway, away from where the others were cooing over jonghyun.

"kiss me." donghyuck breathed out.

"hyuck? what-why do you want me to kiss you?" mark breathed, stepping closer to the tanned male.

"so i can see if i'm still fucking in love with your dumbass." donghyuck smiled, pressing his lips against mark's.

mark quickly kissed back, he forgot how good it felt to kiss donghyuck. "that give you an answer?" he smirked pulling away from the flustered boy.

"why-why did you let me walk away that day?" donghyuck asked, his hands still around  mark's neck.

"i was scared, i had only ever liked women." mark whispered. "and i wasn't ready to except that i wasn't straight. so i let you, who means the world to me, walk out of my life in tears."

"jaemin wanted to kill you, you know?" donghyuck giggled, he understood why mark was scared.

"i know, and i think he would've given the chance. no one hurts his haechan." mark said, pecking donghyuck's lips.

"you and me?" donghyuck asked, looking up at the canadian boy.

"til death, or maybe jaemin, do us part." mark said, grabbing the smaller's hand.

"you have a death wish mark lee." donghyuck laughed, walking back towards the group, hand in hand with mark.

"not anymore."

"god disgusting." renjun scoffed watching donghyuck and mark have their sappy love story.

"you'll be the same with jeno and jaemin in like a week tops." jisung laughed, receiving a glare from his hyung.

"nah i'd say a month, they have jonghyun now." chenle commented, looking at where renjun had gone off to join his loves and jonghyun.

"the kid's in love with them already, you can tell." jisung smirked. "a week."

"bet?" chenle giggled, sticking his hand out.

"bet." jisung said, shaking chenle's hand before pulling the smaller in for a long kiss.

"come on! it's always in front of jonghyun!" jaemin groaned.

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