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"where is he? where's hyuck?" mark asked as he barged into jeno and donghyuck's house that afternoon.

"h-hi hyung." donghyuck squeaked, him and jisung had decided for a 'crying over ice cream and itaewon class' method.

"hyuckie." mark let out the breath he was holding.

"i'm okay, hyung. i'll be okay, both sungie and i will." donghyuck smiled sadly, playing with jisung's hair.

"when jeno told me what happened i was so worried, and jaemin is livid, ya know, jisung was basically his son before jonghyun." mark explained as he sat next to donghyuck.

"i know, jaemin was my best friend for fourteen years. i know everything- knew everything- about him. he's a dad now, though. and although i know we all reconnected fast, it's still hard, i hadn't talked to him for two and a half years before now." donghyuck sighed, he was remembering how it used to be, him and jaemin versus the world.

now jaemin had renjun, jeno, and jonghyun. and donghyuck was alone. ("hey! i'm your boyfriend!") okay, he had mark but he wasn't jaemin.

"he misses you a lot, hyuck." jeno piped up from the kitchen, "you and nana versus the world, he loved when it was like that."

"i know, we-we were invincible, just him and i. now it's the dreamies and a three year old versus the world, and i love it, you know i love it, but it's not the same. jaem and i, we-we were not just best friends, we were family. but then the cops pulled us apart, they made me lose the only family i had left...instead of helping jaemin with jonghyun i was dancing on a pole to pay rent. we aren't the same anymore, and i don't know how to fix it." donghyuck said sadly, watching as jisung stirred in his lap.

"what happened to jiji and hyuck?" jonghyun asked as jaemin carried him to the bus stop.

"a very bad man was mean to them and hurt them." jaemin explained softly, he hoped that jonghyun would stay that innocent forever.

"but-but hyuckie is sunshine! who hurts da sun? and-and jiji is so kind! he plays with me, he shouldn't get hurt!" jonghyun exclaimed as they got on the bus.

"i know baby, that's why we're gonna go see them, to make them feel better!" jaemin smiled, kissing the top of jonghyun's head.

"okay! daddy be there!? i miss daddy!" jonghyun exclaimed, loudly, catching the attention of the other passengers.

"yes, daddy will be there. but we need to be quiet right now, okay?" jaemin smiled, setting jonghyun on his lap.

jonghyun nodded happily, burring himself into jaemin's neck.

"jaemin?" doyoung smiled softly as he,taeyong, and the kids got on the bus.

"oh, hello dr.kim, dr.lee, and you two cuties!" jaemin forced a smile as he saw a sleepy chanhee and bomi.

"hyunnie! hyunnie!" chanhee exclaimed making grabby hands at the fellow 2 and a half year old.

"chani!" jonghyun yelled, jumping off of jaemin's lap to hug the toddler.

bomi was asleep in taeyong's arms, jonghyun and chanhee were playing on the floor, and the adults were talking.

"chanhee has been really sad that jonghyun left daycare." doyoung smiled, watching as his son giggled happily.

"yeah, it got two expensive, i have hyuck and renjun watching him for now." jaemin said shyly, he was just a kid when he met doyoung and taeyong, but they were pretty similar in age.

"ah, makes sense! we should set up a play date for them, i know how busy you must be and chanhee really misses him." taeyong commented, from where he had his daughter asleep in his arms.

"yes! junnie could take him! he'd been saying he wanted hyun to start getting out more!" jaemin smiled, his son and chanhee crawling into the bus seat.

"where are you headed?" taeyong asked, handing chanhee a juice box.

"to hyuck and jeno's, something happened, the dreamies are coming to help." jaemin explained, handing jonghyun his own juice box.

"oh dear, i hope it all turns out okay, tae and i had to take care of the assaulter in the hospital...chief yang brought him to the police though." doyoung commented, as the bus stopped.

"this is our stop, i'll call you to set up the play date!" jaemin waved as he and jonghyun got out the bus.

chenle was laying face down in his bed. he knew he should be other with the others, comforting jisung and donghyuck, god they deserved it. but he couldn't, he didn't have the energy.

going back to china....it was something that chenle greatly regretted. he loved being with kun, and china was his home, where he grew up, and he had so many great memories there.

but xukun was also in china, and chenle hated every minute he was with his brother. his brother got what he wanted, the heir to the zhong company.

and everything that had happened before was coming back, to chenle.

"come on, chenle. deal with this later go cuddle jisung." chenle scolded himself, standing up and walking next door.

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