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"oh jeno...don't believe a single word they tell you okay? you are so beautiful." donghyuck said sadly, he was so proud of the improvement jeno had made and his family thinks they can come in and break him again?

"i-i need help, hyuck. i cant do this alone anymore." jeno said wiping his tears.

"come to us when you feel like this, nono. we will help you, i will help you. just let us." donghyuck smiled softly.

"okay, okay. it's just so hard."

"i know, but you survived  it once, you'll survive it again." he reassured.

"yeah, yeah."

park jisung had just got off his shift at the cafe and was walking around downtown, chenle didn't get off for another hour or two.

jisung sighed as he saw where his body had taken him, 'palace' , it was an abandoned park, it was a place to get drugs, alcohol, sex, anything.

"hey man! how's it going?" it was a man named changbin, he was drunk.

"good, good." jisung nodded before walking into palace.

"just some ecstasy please." he smirked laying some cash down in front of the dealer.

"here you go, see you again kid." chan smiled, handing the tall boy a bag of ecstasy.

"jisung?" mark called confused, seeing the young male sitting on the ground.

"huh?" the boy lulled, looking dazed and confused.

"are you- are you high?" mark questioned sitting in front of the youngest, "bro you're rolling on molly, you're staying with me tonight."

"chenle waiting for me." jisung groaned as mark picked him up by the arm.

"chenle, is going to kill you if you come home rolling so i don't care." mark lectured as they started walking towards his new apartment (a.k.a renjun's old apartment)

"ridin' and rollin' , oh babe, reloading!" jisung giggled, as they mad it into the apartment building.

"chenle. calm down." donghyuck scolded, he was moving his stuff into jeno's when they were met with a panicked chenle.

"he isn't home, hyung! why isn't he home?" chenle hiccuped, it had been four hours since jisung had told him he was going on a short walk.

"one sec, le, it's mark." donghyuck said, answering his phone.

"hyuck! tell chenle i got sungie, he's staying with me tonight." mark panted as he had made it to his apartment.

chenle quickly snatched the phone overhearing mark tell donghyuck.

"what happened? is he okay?" chenle shouted into the phone.

"he'll be fine, he's fucking rolling on molly but he's gonna be okay." mark explained.

"he's high?!" chenle yelled, he was gonna murder that boy.

"yes and to refrain from dear park jisung getting murdered he's gonna stay with me tonight, lele." the eldest explained, chenle could hear his eyes roll through the phone.


"mark?" jisung lulled.

"yeah jisung?" mark sighed, picking the boy up again to put him in a bed.

"why did jingyi ask for me and renjun-hyung to find you?" jisung giggled.

mark froze. he had forgotten about that, why did jingyi ask for them to find him?

"jonghyun is in bed, the baby monitor is up, and i am exhausted." renjun exclaimed, plopping down onto his and jaemin's shared bed.

"you're an angel junnie." jaemin sighed, he hadn't got this much rest since before jonghyuns mom left.

"the minute jeno gets well enough to join us he has to live through this hell too." renjun groaned wrapping an arm around jaemin's waist.

"petty bitch." jaemin laughed kissing the top of the chinese boys head.

"yep, but i'm your petty bitch." renjun smiled, before burring his head in the pillow.

"my one and only." jaemin said, "well maybe jeno to but he's not as petty as you."

renjun flipped him off and groaned as jonghyuns started crying.

"i'll get it." jaemin smiled kissing the top of  renjun's head before climbing out of bed.

he froze in his tracks when he heard the name jonghyun called, instead of his usual papa or daddy, he called dada.

he wanted jeno.

"ill try and calm him down myself, but if it doesn't work call jeno." jaemin smiled sadly, walking into jonghyun's room.

"hey little prince, it's me it's papa." jaemin shushed picking up the crying boy.

"shhhhh, it's ok little prince, dada will be here tomorrow." he sung, pacing around the small room.

"should i sing little prince? story time?" the papa asked, looking down at the crying baby.

"i'll sing, this is fireflies."

'Tell me 'bout your dreaming
I believe I was there, too
I could sense your breathing
Lying in a different room
'Cause laws of the universe
Always there to observe
You shimmer
Your inner compass is taking you there
I'll be your beacon
Illuminate while you on your way
Girl I've been there, too
Don't be afraid tonight, afraid tonight
Just know you're never be lonely
I know it's hard sometimes, to see the light
But you and I keep on dreaming
We gon' light it up
Light it up now, darling
We can make the stars align
We gon' light it up
Light it up, now we sparkling
Brighter than the fireflies"

"aish...you really want dada huh?" jaemin sighed, laying the baby back in his crib and starting to put on his shoes and jacket, the baby's as well.

he stopped by his room to see renjun peacefully sleeping and he wrote a note before taking him and jonghyun to take the night bus to jeno's.

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