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⚠️ rape, suicidal thoughts, fighting ⚠️

jeno and donghyuck were sitting by the counter waiting for the cafe to open, jisung and chenle were in the back.

"you look healthier, jeno. i'm proud." donghyuck smiled, looking at the few month elder with admiration.

"thanks donghyuck, you helped, a lot. i could never repay you." jeno shook his head softly.

"ac-actually there is." donghyuck stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"what's up?" jeno's attitude immediately shifted into one of concern.

"i've-i've been having a really hard time lately...it's so fucking hard, i-uhm- you know how i went to the bar after minhyung-hyung came over a few nights ago?"'donghyuck asked softly, he had always had a hard time opening up.

"yeah, did something happen?" jeno nodded.

"a lot- a lot happened...the voices were coming back, telling me to bleed, you understand that. b-but then-"

'he was sitting at the bar counter, he was only on his first bottle of soju, to calm the nerves, it always works.

a man slid into the seat next to him, donghyuck didn't mind, he always loved meeting new people and starting conversations.

"what's your name, doll?" he had a low and scratchy voice, it sounded like that recording jisung had, of sanghwa.

"donghyuck. not doll." he hissed, he didn't like this guys energy, he had an odd aura and the mere thought of him possibly being choi sanghwa had him at the edge of his seat.

"you got a boyfriend, donghyuck?" the man asked again, leaning closer into donghyuck's side.

"yes. yes i do. his name is minhyung." donghyuck growled, what was it to this guy if he had a boyfriend or not?

"lee minhyung?"

"yes, lee minhyung. what is it to you? who even are you?" donghyuck questioned harshly.

"choi sanghwa. i'm choi sanghwa, and that little boyfriend of yours owes me something..." the man- sanghwa- was the one to growl this time. donghyuck was frozen this time, it was sanghwa.

"what could he owe you?" donghyuck mumbled, cowering under the older male.

"does the name huang jingyi sound familiar to you?" sanghwa was slowly backing them against the wall.

"ye-yes." donghyuck stuttered looking around, the bar was empty.

"his father paid me to help kill him, and he asked for lee minhyung. and i don't know why, neither does wenyan. i had gotten wenyan's revenge on park jisung the night i raped him, but i haven't gotten it from mark..." he explained.

"mark-hyung doesn't know why he was asked for either, none of us do." donghyuck flinched, he hit the wall.

"well, i need my revenge either way, but i cant hurt markie, his family knows too much, sees to much. but you...you doll, are all mine." sanghwa growled. '

"hyuck...look at me, did he- did that monster- do to you what he did to sungie?" jeno asked sitting next to the smaller, the cafe could wait a few more minutes.

donghyuck nodded as tears rolled out his eyes, "he-he said that-that since he can't hurt mark-mark, he'll hurt me-me instead, and-and god jen, i-i don't think i can-can do this anymore! they're so loud." he hiccuped.

"we will get you- and sungie- the justice you deserve, that monster will pay for this, i promise, did-did he wear a condom?" jeno asked, rubbing donghyuck's back.

"no-no. i-i have an appointment tomorrow morning to get checked..." he explained softly, burring his head into jeno's neck.

"i'll take you. we will get through this together." jeno said, as the door jingled open.

"i'm sorry we aren't open ye-" jisung started coming out from the back, but stopping in his tracks.

and donghyuck whispered to jeno "tha-that's sanghwa."

jeno abruptly stood up, walking toward the male, he was slightly taller but obviously didn't have the physical build of jeno.

"hello, i'd like a mocha and a chocolate bar-" sanghwa smirked as he started ordering, jeno didn't listen though.

no, no, no, jeno punched him in the face.

"what the fuck?!" sanghwa yelled clutching his cheek- his bleeding cheek.

"you hurt my family, my home, my saviors, and two of the people who mean the most to me in the entire world, what goes through a head as sick as yours? did you like having a 15 year old high non-consenting teenager cowering under you for some stupid revenge that you don't need? did you think it was funny to non consensually rape someone until they are terrified to look at anyone who they don't know or step a little out of line?" jeno was yelling and punching and kicking.

"i will have you arrested for this, boy! you hear me! what i do is none of your business!" sanghwa shouted back, landing a punch in jeno's eye but the younger didn't break.

"i'm afraid he won't be the one in jail, sir. yang hongseok, chief police officer for the seoul police department, hands behind your back please." the buff man came out of the crowd that had gathered around the cafe, flashing his badge.

"you will pay for this, lee jeno!" sanghwa yelled as he was put into a police car.

"you okay, guys?" jeno asked once they had calmed the crowd and decided to close for the day.

"ye-yeah,  might have to talk to mark-hyung about some therapists for what the man did though...." jisung said softly, and the look was painfully familiar for jeno, donghyuck, and chenle.

"we will be next to both of you, always. you're survivors." chenle smiled sadly..

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