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jeno and donghyuck were at the appointment, jaemin and mark didn't have work and were chilling with jonghyun in jeno's apartment, renjun was still asleep, and the chensung duo had migrated back to there own apartment.

and now, mark was psyching himself up to finally hit call on his mom's contact. jaemin was making them breakfast, it would just be a quick call before breakfast. he would be fine.

he looked down at the phone screen and the contact labeled 'mom💕' he took a few deep breathes.

and he hit call.

he lifted the phone up to his ear, listening to the taunting ring- getting ready to hang up when-

"minhyung?" lee yeji answered astonished, she hasn't heard from her son in ten years, even when they forced him into a mental hospital they didn't talk.

"h-hi mom." mark stuttered, cheeks heating up.

"oh, minhyung! how-how are you?" yeji exclaimed happily, tears running down her face.

"i'm good mom, i'm really good. i-i have a boyfriend, a lot of really good friends, a job, and even a nephew." mark smiled happily, he had missed his mom.

"that-that's great, markie. tell me about them." yeji smiled.

"well my boyfriend, donghyuck, i met him at nct when it closed we parted ways but we just recently got back together, same with my friends, i met them there too, jeno, jaemin, chenle, renjun, and jisung. the last two, jisung and renjun are part of the reason i called you." mark explained, jaemin was sending him thumbs ups from the kitchen where he was trying to get jonghyun to eat.

"oh really? why would they need you to call me?" yeji asked, sitting down with a cup of coffee.

"do you remember that friend i had when i was really little, jingyi? huang jingyi?" mark asked hesitantly.

"of course i do, jinghua is still searching for him we haven't heard anything." yeji said, "do-do you and your friends know something?"

"yeah, yeah we do, it would be easier to meet with ms.jinghua, then tell her over phone...would that be possible?" mark asked again.

"of course dear! i was going to have lunch with her today at johnny and jae's pizzeria anyways, come meet us there at noon." yeji exclaimed, she couldn't wait to see her son.

"okay, mom. see you then. i love you." mark cringed as the words left his mouth.

"i love you too, minhyungie."

"that went well." jaemin smiled as mark sat at the kitchen table.

"yeah, i'm gonna take jisung and renjun out at noon." mark explained, taking a piece of fruit from jonghyun's bowl.

"did you just steal my son's fruit?" jaemin asked astonished.

"yes, i did." mark smirked, plopping the strawberry into his mouth.

"he's a meanie." jonghyun teased softly, grabbing a strawberry of his own.

"yes, he is jonghyunnie, you're so smart my little prince." jaemin praised, tickling under the boys chin.

the three walked into the pizzeria slowly, mark had spotted his mom, she hadn't changed much. the same black hair just a little long hair, and the same laugh.

"mom?" mark called hesitantly walking to the table.

"oh minhyung! my boy, i've missed you so much, come 'ere." yeji exclaimed standing up and pulling her son into a tight hug.

"sit down, sit down!" she smiled, scooting over to sit next to her friend, giving the boys the other side of the booth.

"it's nice to meet you boys, i'm wang jinghua." the woman smiled, she had a jade necklace on.

"nice to meet you, miss. i am huang renjun, your ex-partner huang wenyan's son." renjun bowed politely, watching the woman's reaction carefully.

"i'm park jisung, i was close friends with your son, huang jingyi." jisung explained, bowing as well.

"how is he? how's my boy? where is he?" jinghua asked softly.

"uhm, miss, when jingyi was kidnapped, by huang wenyan, he-uhm-he physically abused jingyi and i, he-he got a little to mad one day...i tried- i tried to save him, but it was too late...." jisung trailed off looking down at his lap, it was a hard memory to recover.

"what do you mean?" the woman asked again. she knew exactly what jisung meant, but she didn't believe it, she couldn't.

"he died in 2015, miss. and then wenyan left for china, where he was eventually caught for child abuse of renjun-hyung here. he hasn't been charged for the murder, but he is in jail." jisung stuttered, it was hard for him he couldn't imagine how hard it must be for jinghua.

"i knew i should've never trusted wenyan, i shouldn't of- oh my god. wenyan killed him, he killed my boy...oh my god..." jinghua had tears rolling down her face.

"i'm really sorry miss. we-we wanted to give you answers. i'm sorry there such sad ones." renjun spoke softly, slipping into chinese out of habit, watching as the woman relaxed at the language.

"thank you, boys. it really means a lot, thank you. jai'er, my other son,  will be glad to know as well." she smiled wiping her eyes.

"of course miss." they smiled sadly.


only 1 chapters left.

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