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"shh, baby, come on baby, we're almost to dada's." jaemin hushed as they sat in the back of the bus, there was about five others in the bus, and jaemin felt terrible. jonghyun was making a huge fuss.

"hey, kid." an older woman called looking at the panicking dad.

"i'm really sorry i'm trying to get him to calm dow-" jaemin started to apologize, he was starting to understand marks reasoning.

"honey, don't worry about it, when you get wherever you're going, make him a warm bottle of milk and bundle him like when he was a baby." the lady smiled, she remembered when she had to do that with her kids. her only kid.

"o-okay, thank you miss, we're going to see his dada, he really wants him." jaemin explained, rocking the still crying baby.

"where's his mother?" a man asked harshly.

"she decided to leave, it's me and my boyfriends raising him now." jaemin smiled, whispering to the baby who was slightly quieter but still crying.

"good luck kid, this is our stop." the older women smiled.

"wait! can i get your names? you've helped so much." jaemin called as the bus came to a stop.

"yeji, lee yeji, and this is my husband minho." she smiled, bowing as they got off.

"this is your stop kid, good luck with your satan spawn." the bus driver joked as jaemin stood, sighing as jonghyun cried again.

"thank you, jackson-hyung." jaemin bowed, walking out of the bus and tottering towards the cafe and jeno's apartment.

"shhh, little prince, we're almost to dada's." he mumbled, walking up the stairs to jeno's apartment.

he secured jonghyun in one arm and knocked on jeno's door, he felt terrible about bugging jeno especially after donghyuck told him he had a rough day but jonghyun was not sleeping and he had to do it.

"donghyuck i swear to god it is 3 am why is one of you're hoe's knocking on the- jaemin?!" jeno exclaimed as he opened the door to an exhausted jaemin and a crying jonghyun.

"i'm so sorry jeno, he kept crying for his dada, he-he won't sleep and junnie just got to bed and-and please just hold him for a minute." jaemin sobbed, handing the baby to jeno.

and just like jaemin had predicted, jonghyun immediately stopped crying, smiling as he felt jeno's warmth and slightly muscular arms.

"thank god oh my god it's been two hours the entire bus ride was hell and-and he wouldn't stop crying and i'm pretty sure i'm crying but i'm so fucking tired i have no idea, thank you so much." jaemin cried, grabbing onto jeno softly.

"it's ok nana, while i'm not ready to be a full time dad just yet i can help, especially if he gets like this." jeno comforted, sitting down on the couch with the silent baby.

"can-can hyun and i sleep here tonight? i'm sorry i'm so tired i got a lot of rest but i-i just i so- i'm so tired." jaemin slurred as he plopped onto the couch, running a hand through jonghyun's hair.

"of course, go into my room and lay on the bed, i'll make hyun and bottle of milk i have some sippy cups downstairs." jeno smiled, guiding jaemin to his bedroom.

once jeno had  gotten jaemin into bed, he went to the kitchen with jonghyun, "you giving my junnie and nana a hard time, little prince?" jeno asked, as he started preparing the warm cows milk for the baby.

"don't be to hard on them, they love you so much. i love you too, i wish you could tell us what's wrong..." jeno sighed, waiting for the microwave to beep as he bounced the baby.

"dada." the small boy whined making jeno coo.

"shhh, little prince, here's some milk." the male smiled, holding the sippy cup up to the boys mouth, he was far to tired to drink it himself.

eventually the baby had fallen asleep in jeno's arms and the duo made there way back to jeno's bedroom where they joined a sleeping jaemin in bed.

"rest well my boys, junnie will be over in the mornings and we can be completely whole." jeno smiled again, kissing his baby's on the forehead.

"thank you so much jen." a sleep jaemin mumbled, looking up at one of his lovers.

"sleep, prince. you have work tomorrow, hyuck and junnie can watch hyunnie, just rest."

"i love you jeno."

"i love you too, jaemin."

"i wuv you papa n dada." jonghyun mumbked, nuzzling himself into jaemin's cheat.

"we love you too hyunnie."

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