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"jeno!!! this is so fucking good." donghyuck all but moaned biting into his bagel sandwich, he currently didn't have a job so he had been spending most of his time at the dreamy cafe.

"thank you, hyuck." jeno chuckled from his spot behind the counter, the cafe was currently empty, save donghyuck.

"so how is norenmin going?" donghyuck commented nonchalantly taking another bite - and moan- from his bagel.

"norenmin?" jeno questioned.

"you, renjun, and jaemin. it's your ship name." chenle said from where he was bussing a table.

"oh. renjun moved in with nana, hyunnie and mark. i'm not ready to be a dad yet, can't even take care of my fucking self, jonghyun shouldn't be around me when i'm like this." jeno sighed, glancing at his long sleeves.

"that's fair. we're all here to help you get better, and i still don't have a house so we can set something up." donghyuck smiled, walking around the counter and gently hugging the male.

"ok, hyuck." jeno chuckled.

"mark, i get that you were up all night with jonghyun but you can't fall asleep on the job." jaemin sighed, patting the boys back.

"tell renjun i'm moving into his apartment i'm not jonghyuns dad." mark groaned, taking pizza out to some customers.

"fuck ill even pay him for it i can not handle another night with your little demon screaming." mark cursed as he made his way back to the window.

"i'm going to have to tell hyuck you don't want kids. he'll be heartbroken." jaemin exclaimed, walking out to the front where mark was.

"i'm fine with kids, as long as they're my kids, jaemin. na jonghyun on the other hand is a demon, and not my demon either." mark explained, rubbing his eyes for the nth time.

"so dramatic hyung." jaemin laughed.

"eat something jen." donghyuck said, he had been at the cafe all day, mainly making messes, but it could of been worse.

"not hungry." jeno mumbled, taking a sandwich out to a table.

"when's the last time you ate?" donghyuck asked when he got back.

"yesterday." jeno coughed out, before going to another table.


"like breakfast." jeno scoffed, leaning against the wall out of breath.

"jen, it is 3 fucking pm, go tell jisung and chenle to stop making out, do their fucking jobs, and let's go get you something to eat." donghyuck stated, walking behind the stubborn male and untying his apron.

"hyuck. i'll eat later." jeno hissed, walking in the back.

"jisung, chenle. cover the cafe, like your job is. stop making out. i'm making jeno eat." donghyuck commanded, grabbing the latters wrist.

"huh?" jisung asked, dazed from his and chenke's make out session.

"go out there and do your fucking job while i take care of jeno. i get that you're having a hard time jisung and just want to be with chenle but this is your job and jeno is overworking himself for you." donghyuck scolded, watching as the youngest two scurried off to the front.

"hyuck i'm fi-"

"you aren't fine, jeno! when we met again you were so healthy, so happy! what happened?! i want to help you." donghyuck said, something was up.

"she found me hyuck." jeno hiccuped, not even taeyeon new about this.

"who? who found you?" donghyuck asked, grabbing jeno's shoulders to support the boy.

"can we eat first?" jeno asked.

the duo walked into johnny and jae's pizzeria, donghyuck supporting a lot of jeno's small body weight.

"oh hyuck and jeno! what can i get you guys?" mark asked, tiredly.

"a medium cheese pizza and some bread sticks." donghyuck said, handing mark his card.

"it'll be out in a minute." mark smiled, giving the order to jaemin in the back.

"thanks hyuck." jeno mumbled as the said boy sat him in a chair.

"we're family jeno, of course." donghyuck smiled.

"home. the dreamies are home." jeno said, picking at a scab on his arm.

"yes, and home will always be there for you. no matter what." donghyuck reassured, grabbing jeno's wrist to stop the scratching m.

"thank you, for being part of home." jeno smiled, feeling hyuck's soft hands against his clammy ones.

"i'm gonna grab a coke, want something?" donghyuck asked, letting go of jeno's hand.

"ice with salt please." jeno mumbled.

"no no i know what that's for, do you  want water?" donghyuck asked shaking his head. how dumb did jeno think he was?

"lemonade." jeno sighed, sad as he couldn't trick donghyuck.

"okay, we're gonna talk more later about why your so self conscious." donghyuck warned, going to get their drinks.

mark dropped their order off at their table, planting a soft kiss on donghyuck's lips before going to hell jaemin who has set something on fire.

"this is good." jeno smiled, putting a slice in his mouth.

"it is, johnny and jae-hyungs know what they're doing." donghyuck smiled back, jeno was eating. "so gonna tell me who found you know?"

"i geuss...my mom and sister, they-they found me, they want me and ten-hyung  to become one of them again." jeno sighed, popping a breadstick in his mouth.

"oh. is that why you are so upset?" donghyuck asked sympathetically.

"they said so much shit to ten-hyung about his relationship with kun-hyung, and...and they-they called me fat. an elephant. too big for his own good. needs a day or two of hunger for measure. i- i believed them." jeno explained.

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