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 "mark, what the fuck, it is four a.m." chenle groaned as he opened the door. there was no way this was the same mark who slept all the time at nct hospital. 

"wake jisung up, we're going somewhere, just him and i." mark explained, inviting himself into the apartment, and plopping onto the couch. 

"lele? who is it?" jisung asked, walking out of their shared bedroom, he was wearing pajama pants and one of chenle's tank tops. 

"good morning, jisungie, go get ready for the day we're going somewhere." mark smiled, waving hello to the sleepy boy. jisung groaned and went back into the bedroom to change. 

"where are you taking my boyfriend at 4 in the morning, may i ask?" chenle chuckled, setting a warm cup of green tea in front of mark. 

"drug addicts anonymous, i had a break down on tuesday and johnny-hyung told me to go. i thought it would be good for jisung to go too." mark explained, taking a sip of his tea. 

"wait you had a breakdown? you really need to come to us with this stuff, hyung..." chenle shook his head, as he switched the television to some random drama. 

"i already was lectured by johnny-hyung about it, le. i will next time." mark smiled, leaning over to ruffle the boys dark hair. 

"does jisung no where you two are going?" 

"no. he would refuse if i told him, he'll find out when we get there." 

after 30 minutes, jisung walked out with wet hair from his shower, in an oddly familiar outfit. red wide legged corduroy pants, a black button down top, and smuged red eyeliner. 

"i'll see you at work, babe. try and get a little more sleep, the cafe doesn't open until seven." jisung smiled, kissing chenle's forehead softly. 

"i will, baby chick." chenle giggled, waving the two boys off. 

"baby chick?" mark questioned, as they started to walk out the door. 

"shut it, hyung." jisung groaned. 

"no. i'm not going in." jisung whined, mark and jisung were currently waiting outside the current meeting location waiting for jaehyun. 

"please, you don't have to share, just please come in." mark sighed, looking at the stylish male. 

"no. i'm fine, hyung, i don't need to go to fucking d.a.a." jisung groaned. 

"who said we are here because of you?" mark quipped, although he had made the excuse to chenle they were going for jisung, he really just wanted jisung to be there for support. 

it was scary, talking to a bunch of strangers, mainly older people who didn't understand someone his age. 

"huh?" jisung tensed, why else would mark wake him up at four a.m.?

"sure, i thought it might help you, but that's not why we're here." mark shook his had, he couldn't blame the younger, mark was the dad friend, of course he was here for jisung. 

"are we- are we here for you hyung?" jisung asked shyly, how hadn't he noticed, mark was doing so well, he was the last person jisung would think needed to go to drug addicts anonymous. 

"yeah, me and jaehyun-hyung. johnny just pulled in to drop him off." 

"i'm sorry i didn't notice, hyung." 

"i see we have two knew faces here." the director said, mark thinks here name was soyeon or something,  as they sat in the room filled of different aged people, the oldest was about 63 and. the youngest looked about jisung's age. 

"why don't one of you go first?" the women- soyeon- said. 

"uhm, actually i promised them i would go first so they weren't so nervous." jaehyun said shyly, standing from his metal chair. 

"okay! perfect." soyeon smiled, sitting down to let jaehyun got up. 

"hi, my name's jaehyun and i'm a drug addict." jaehyun smiled sadly, he was doing this for mark. 

"hi, jaehyun." the group of people chorused. 

"i don't really have a whole lot to share this week, but i'm 6 months sober tomorrow, my boyfriend- sicheng- said he was really proud of me. it-it felt amazing, to have someone be proud of you...we also recieved good news about or marriage papers! they got approved, so now we can become foster parents." jaehyun smiled happily, no one outside of those four walls knew that sicheng and jaehyun had gotten married, they didn't want a huge party for it. 

"that's all i have for this week, come up here mark?" he smiled slightly, as mark got up and started walking over. 

"hi, my name's mark lee and i'm a drug addict." mark said shyly, as the group choursed again. 

"hi, mark lee."

"uh,this is my first meeting, and i'm actually 3 and a half years sober, but-but i've really been struggling a lot. the majority of my support system are younger than me, i'm their hyung. it's difficult for ask for help when all i've known is taking care of them. my hyung, johhny, told me that it doesn't really matter that i'm older, but i still feel the responsibility, to be the hyung, to be the one who takes care of everyone, not the one who get's taken care of. that's-that's all i really have, thanks for listening." 

"that's what d. a. a. is for, mark. you did a great first share." soyeon congradulated. 

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