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"mark fucking lee, what do you mean donghyuck was assaulted?" jaemin breathed out sharply, no one, no one hurt his haechan.

"johnny-hyung and i got it taken care of, he's going over to jeno's cafe with hyung right now." mark smiled, grabbing a tray.

"okay...come with me to pick jonghyun up? we can stop by jeno's after." jaemin asked, wiping flour out of his hair.

"sure, i'll make jonghyun a tiny pizza for his after school snack." mark smiled running to take the order to its table.

"i think hyungs are here!" chenle called from his seat at a random table.

"can you answer it? i'm stuck in the oven!" jeno shouted.

chenle laughed and went to open the door. "hey hyu- jisung?" he froze.

"h-hi lele." jisung smiled, slowly wrapping his arms around the elder's waist.

"you-you- we thought you were dead!" chenle exclaimed burring his head in jisung's chest.

"'m sorry, lele. where's jeno-hyung?" jisung smiled,  still leaving an arm around chenle's waist.

"he got stuck in the oven, can you help him get out hyungs?"'chenle asked finally acknowledging jaehyun and sicheng.

"how did he-? you know what i'm not gonna ask anymore, where's some oil?" sicheng asked stepping into the messy restaurant.

"thank you hyung~ and jisung, i'll give you a hug as soon as i can." jeno said from his position in the oven.

"worry about yourself first hyung." jisung giggled, "lele, let's go talk yeah?"

"jeno! never leave the door to the restaurant open when you aren't open!" johnny scolded as he, xuxi, and donghyuck walked into the building. "jeno?" he called, seeing the room empty.

"we're in the back hyung!" jaehyun called, peeking his head out from the food window.

"why are you in the back?" xuxi asked, jumping the counter to get to the back.

"and why the hell are you covered in oil?" donghyuck giggled, looking at the state of jaehyun.

"jeno got stuck in the oven." they heard sicheng say, the chinese man absolutely drenched in oil, but luckily jeno was worse.

"jeno, kid, i worry about you sometimes." xuxi shook his head, grabbing the youngers legs and yanking him out of the oven.

"th-thank you, hyung." jeno panted, rubbing his head which he hit on the oven.

"no problem idiot, where's lele?" xuxi asked, johnny grabbing some extra clothes from his car to give to the oil covered males.

"him and jisung are talking in the back." jeno explained, standing up and uselessly rushing off his apron.

"he woke up?" donghyuck exclaimed.

"yeah, i don't know he was acting perfectly fine and shit we'll probably talk to him later." the dark hair boy explained, sighing as he heard the door bell ring as it opened.

"i'm sorry, we haven't opened-" he started, stopping when he saw who it was. "hi renjun." he smiled, hugging the smaller, this renjun was more like the renjun he knew. he was wearing a black pleated skirt and a white graphic tee.

"hello, jeno. i see we have the whole family here." he smirked as he walked in, hugging donghyuck as well. "yep everyone but mark-hyung and nana."

"well i wanted to stop by and see jisung, i heard he was here. and you of course." renjun smiled cheekily, hoisting himself up to sit on the counter.

"okay, he's talking to chenle right now, you can wait for a minute." donghyuck smiled sitting next to the male.

"what happened to jeno, and the hyungs?" renjun whispered looking around the messy cafe.

"jeno got stuck in the oven, they had to use a shit ton of oil to get him out." donghyuck whispered back, giggling.

"that's my jeno."

"jaemin? can i speak with you for a moment?" chan asked when he came to pick jonghyun up.

"yeah of course, what's up?" jaemin asked walking into the latter's office.

"the daycare is struggling, we're gonna have to raise the tuition, it will go from 100 dollars monthly to 200 dollars monthly, we can try and get you a discount since i know that you're a single parent but i'm afraid we can't at the moment." chan sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"i'll make it work, thank you for informing when is it affective?" jaemin asked sadly, he's gonna have to work two jobs.

"next month." chan said, as the two walked out, "thank you so much jaemin, see you tomorrow."

"what did he want?" mark asked, jonghyun latched onto his hip.

"tuition is going up." jaemin mumbled, holding the door as they walked to his car.

"can you afford it?" mark asked, buckling jonghyun into his car seat.

"i'll make it work." jaemin smiled sheepishly, mark giving him a look.

"how about this, i move in with you and jonghyun and instead of charging me rent i help pay his tuition?" mark offered, he himself getting in the car.


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