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"taeyong, what do you mean, park jisung is back?!" doyoung screeched at his husband. 

"he is doie! come on you have to believe me! just...let's go see him." taeyong sighed, grabbing his husband's hand lovingly. 

the two male's soon arrived to jisung's room, not expecting eight other bodies to be in it. "i-i-is that mark?" doyoung breathed out hastily, he had a special connection with each of the dreamies, but especially mark and jeno. 

"they, they're all there..." taeyong breathed out before knocking on the door and entering. 

"hello dr. lee." sicheng and jaehyun bowed, the others slowly following behind. 

"sicheng, jaehyun. it's good to see you, i wish it was under better circumstances." taeyong said smiling sadly. "and you six, i hope we can catch up at a better time, dr. kim and i have missed you all greatly." he nodded towards his husband. 

"damn...family reunion to the max." mark mumbled under his breath. 

"h-how is he?" chenle asked hesitantly, grabbing jisung's cold hand. 

"i wish i had better news for you, chenle. we scanned his brain, and there is some damage. thankfully it is minimal and he has a 75% chance of a full recovery within a week after he wakes up...if he wakes up." the doctor explained sadly, jisung was his first full time patient when he became a doctor, he didn't want to lose him. 

"what-what do you mean if?" it was jaemin who spoke this time, voice cracking, and although he hadn't seen the boys in four years he instictively grabbed jeno and renjun's hands into his own. 

"he has a 50% chance of waking up, it is best if he wakes up in the next 24 hours. if he doesn't...i'm afraid it won't be looking too good." taeyong said. 

"sorry to interrupt, but dr. lee and dr. kim, your kids have just arrived from school. shall i send them to your office or will you come get them from the lobby?" nurse joy smiled leaning against the door. 

"please escort them too us. we will watch them." doyoung said looking around the room. 

"i didn't know you were married, nonetheless had kids." donghyuck commented, looking at the doctors sweetly. 

"yeah, we got married after the hospital closed, and then we adopted bomi and chanhee about two years ago." taeyong explained. 

"can-can we meet them?" renjun asked excitedly, he loved kids. 

"of course!" doyoung smiled. 

"hyunnie and i have to get back to work, please watch over sungie for us." sicheng said, patting taeyong's back as they left. 

"oh, and chenle, when he wakes up, don't be suprised." jaehyun weaked before running after his boyfriend. 

"dada!" a little girl yelled, running up towards doyoung. 

"shhh, bomi, we're at a hospital." doyoung reminded, picking the small girl up in his arms. watching as his son waddled over to taeyong. 

"chanhee-ah, one second buddy." taeyong said looking at the toddler who was at his knees. 

"they're so cute!" donghyuck squealed, and mark swore his heart shattered, donghyuck was so happy. 

"who 'dat?" bomi asked, pointing at the boy on the bed. 

"this is jisungie~ he's sick right now." doyoung explained sweetly. 

"chanhee and i should kiss him betta'! you and daddy always kiss us betta' when we sick!" the little girl smiled happily. 

"jisungie's sick isn't fixed with kisses, princess ." taeyong explained, leaning down to pick his son up. 

bomi pouted. 

"here, why don't we sit down and you can tell us and are new friends about your day at school?" doyoung tempted, not wanting bomi to ask more questions. 

jaemin was absolutely broken by how cute bomi and chanhee were, sitting in their dad's laps. telling renjun excitedly about their art class. it made him think about his own kid. 

na jonghyun. when jaemin was let out of jail for the first two months he spent a lot of his time partying, and that's how jonghyun came to be. jonghyun's mother wasn't really in the picture anymore but jaemin had the boy in daycare. 

"what is it chanhee? why are you pointing at nana?" renjun asked, looking to where the toddler was pointing. 

"hyun?!" chanhee shouted, startling jaemin. he had been told many times his son looked a lot like him. 

"sweetie, that's jaemin not jaehyun." jeno corrected sweetly. 

"hyun!" the toddler shouted again. 

"oh! jonghyun? i look like jonghyunnie?" jaemin asked, joining jeno, taeyong, and renjun who were with the boy. 

chanhee nodded happily. "are you friends with jonghyunnie?" jaemin smiled, the other 7 awake men in the room looking at him confused. chenhee nodded again. 

"yeah. i'm his daddy!" jaemin said, and i swear everyone awake almost lost their shit. 

"you have a kid?!" donghyuck said startled. 

"yeah...he's 2 and a half." jaemin explained sheepishly, "same as chanhee here." 

"it was great meeting you guys again, chanhee and bomi had a great time! we have to go home now, and you should too." doyoung waved goodbye before him and taeyong left. 

"he's right, you all should come over to mine. i have to pick jonghyunnie up from the afterschool program, then we all can talk." jaemin smiled. 

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