bonus chapter; park jiangping

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chenle had a long day; jeno had taken the day off to be with jonghyun for his first day of school, and he deserved it. but why why did it have to be today?

he had been yelled at by 5 different customers and he wasn't sure he could talk to anyone, not even his fiancé jisung after the last one, he quickly called the intern to cover his shift.

and now; here he was walking to the convenience store to get some groceries and soju. hey, he deserved some nice soju. he wasn't the one with addiction problems.

to make his day, even better. the convenience store was out of his favorite soju. he felt like crying, it was stupid, he knew that, but he just wanted his damn soju; and they didn't have it. he opted for some candy bars and a bag of jerky instead.

now came the next problem; talking to the cashier. he didn't even talk to the intern when she came in for work; and she was his favorite intern.

he took several deep breathes as he prepared himself for the brief interaction. the cashier is going to ask 'how you are,sir?' you're going to say, 'good, you?' the cashier will mumble a reply scam your items and tell you the price. make sure you scan the card right, say thank you when they hand you the bag; and leave.

he got this.

"did you find everything all right today, sir?" she asked with a painfully faked smile on her face.

chenle's brain went to mush; this wasn't what he prepared. his breath quickened as did his heart beat. say yes, chenle. say that you did.

"y-yea-yeah i did, thanks." he stuttered out, sobs crawling up his throat. hold it together, chenle. cry when you get home, not now.

"that will be $10.89" she smiled, watching as the male took out his card.

"thanks." he stumbled out, grabbing the recites, bag, and card and rushing out the door.

he slowly started trudging back to the cafe where his and jisungs apartment sat above. the lights would still be on for the night shift; they served pie and coffee 24 hours, the rest was a 6 to 9 scheduled menu. he saw the glow of the purple aesthetic of the cafe down the block.

he was almost home; he could plop into bed with the love his life, cry his out with no explanation, receive soft kisses and reassurances, and fall asleep against the youngers chest.

he entered the code to the staircase door, just a few more feet chenle. you're almost home.

he could hear soft cries, but brushed it off as jonghyun throwing a fit or jaemin being sleep deprived.

as he started lifting one leg and another up the stairs; the cries got louder. now, he was getting concerned. what was happening? who was that crying?

finally he turned the corner and was met with the sight that would change his life forever.

there sat jisung, leaning against their door, tears running down his face. and in his arms was a small baby; maybe 8 months old at most wrapped tightly in jisung's red jacket.

"sung?" chenle called, letting the bag drop from his hands. as he rushed over to his lover and the crying baby.

"lele, oh lele, i-i-i was walking home-home from class an-and he was on the sidewalk in the-in the rain! i couldn't- i couldn't leave him, he had nothing but a diaper, he-he was crying so loud- i couldn't let him stay there." jisung sobbed out, trying to solve the shivering baby in his arms.

"oh sungie, it's okay, yeah? let's get both you and the little one inside? you're both soaked in rain water." chenle smiled sadly, what the fuck where they supposed to do with a child?

"okay-okay hyungie." jisung said, shakily standing up, the baby still crying in his arms.

"i'm going to run us a nice hot bath, i'll bathe both you and the baby, we still have some of that johnson & johnson baby soap shit from when hyuck-hyung was being really picky about his hair." chenle explained as he led the two to sit in the bathroom, he quickly grabbed jisung and himself pajamas, running down to the cafe storages emergency baby supplies to get a diaper.

"get in, i'll hold the baby for now, you hold it when i get in." chenle explained, taking the shivering baby away from his lover.

the couple were laying in sudsy bath, the baby was on jisung's chest as he leaned against chenle, the latter softly washing both jisung and the baby's hair and body.

"so, i'm assuming we're keeping this cutie?" chenle mused as he scrubbed jisung's hair.

"yeah. i'm not putting it in foster care." jisung mumbled sleepily.

"we should find out if it's a boy or girl...lift it up." chenle giggled.

"hmmm, a boy. what should we name him?" jisung chuckled, laying the baby back on his chest.

"jiangping. it means peaceful river." chenle said, he had always loved the name jiangping.

"i like it...park, park jiangping." jisung giggled.

"why not zhong?" chenle inquired as they started to get out of the bath, the baby- jiangping, fast asleep on jisungs chest.

"you get the next one, his name is chinese so his family name should be korean, and then next time it will switch." jisung stated, as if it was obvious.

"okay, idiot. let's get jiangping ready for bed, we're going to have a lot of explaining to do." chenle smirked.

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