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"daddy!" jonghyun yelled when renjun woke him up that morning. "good morning, little prince." renjun smiled, picking the boy from his crib.

renjun had offered to let jonghyun stay with him that way jaemin could pick up a few more shifts, and they were still working out living situations.

" bana! bana! bana!" the little boy chanted, lightly hitting renjun's shoulder.

"you want bananas?" the male giggled, putting the small boy in his highchair before starting to cut up some banana's.

"open wide prince." he smiled, copying what jeno had done to the boy the day before.

speaking of jeno, the man was currently running about his cafe, jisung and chenle following him like lost dogs. "the grand opening is in t-minus 45 minutes." his phone timer stated as he instructed jisung to start putting out the pastries.

"how many people are we expecting?" chenle asked, helping jeno set up the coffee machines.

"i'd estimate about ten-twenty people per day for the first week or two, then it will probably get busier. " jeno breathed out, scratching at his arms.

"hyung." jisung scolded, watching jeno scratch at the cuts, he didn't know how recent they were just that he shouldn't have them.

"i'm fine, sungie. go help your boyfriend with the sandwhich ingredients." jeno smiled fakely, shooing the two males off, and so he could sit for a minute.

he had been having a rough time recently, he was a lot worse than he had been in a long time, his mind hated him when he ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and his arms were calling for them to be decorated in crimson. he wasn't sure what set off his relapse, after 2 and a half years of eating three meals a day and not having any self caused scars. here he was, only having dinner from the night before in him and plenty of new scars.

he was going to have to call the owner from the cafe in thailand, she was a fantastic women, she helped jeno through everything. when he was still wheelchair bound she would help him get around bangkok with as little damage and harm as possible, she fed him. she was the one who got him off of his feeding tube, she was like a mother to jeno.

he was sitting in the back, listening to that stupid dial tone ring. his eyes were starting to water and he was biting his lip.

"jeno?" the lady called from the phone.

"taeyeon-noona~ i'm sorry about waking you." he said, leaving his head back and resting it on the wall.

"don't worry about it , kid. what's up?" taeyeon asked softly, jeno could tell she was smiling.

"it's opening day. and a lot of stuff happened last night and i don't know if i can do it noona." jeno blabbed, scratching at his wrists again.

"what happened last night that it got you this upset?" the woman asked, it had been a long time since she saw jeno like that.

"nana and junnie are dating again." jeno mumbled, he had texted the woman about jaemin's son and his current situation but he hadn't had the time to mention that.

"oh jeno...you know they still love you don't they? why aren't you with them?" taeyeon asked flustered, she would beat those boys.

"jonghyun called junnie daddy, and he called me dada, and-and i'm not ready to have a kid noona, i cant even take care of myself." jeno ranted,'tears falling out his eyes.

"can't take care of yourself? you-you are - have been- eating right? and you don't have any new nasty cuts? right, jeno?" the lady panicked, she only let jeno go to korea because she knew that he was healthy.

"i've been eating." jeno stated.

"what about the cuts, aegi?" she asked, tears sprouting in her own eyes, she wished she was in korea with the male she thought of like a son but the story of why she couldn't is for another time.

"i had a breakdown a few days ago not as bad is the one i had when i was still on the feeding tube though." he answered truthfully, he had learned that nothing good comes from lying to taeyeon she somehow always figured it out.

"stay with the chenle kid and his tall boyfriend-," "jisung" "-yeah jisung for a while, have them make sure you're okay." taeyeon instructed.

"yes ma'am." jeno smiled

"and jeno, you will be great at running a restaurant don't doubt yourself. and when you're ready, a great dada too." taeyeon said before excusing herself to go back to bed and hanging up the phone.

"a great dada...soon."

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