Chapter Two

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I run out of the house before my darling older sister can stab me with her curling iron. Just normal sibling activity in my family.

I run all the way to school, since it's not like I get to ride the bus. Thankfully I get to my locker unharmed. But then, my favorite person, Jess Conners, gets to me.

"Whore, why do you even try?" She asks as she slams me into my locker.

She does this like everyday. Now she's probably going to brag about how she can get any guy she wants.

"Just leave the guys to me, m-kay? I mean, I can get any guy I want. So don't even try."

See?! Now she's probably going to slap or punch me. Depends on if her nails are freshly redone.

"You're  lucky I just got my nails done." Then she slaps me right across the  face. With that she whirls on her very tall heels, and stomps away, with her minions following close behind.

As  usual no one in the hall even cares to say something about what just  happened. Or they just didn't even see me. I'm pretty much invisible to  all them.

I  open my locker, only for it to be slammed shut. Ah, that's where the  new group of guys went. They usually get me before I enter the school. How fun.

"You know what I find funny?" Marcus, the main guys asks. "The fact that you don't even fight back. You just let us walk all over you. It's  hilarious."

I sigh as I slowly turn to face Marc and his friends.

"Now where's my breakfast?"

I reach into my backpack and hand him MY breakfast, and he laughs as he and his buddies walk away. I reopen my locker, and it's slammed shut yet again.

Why? Why does this always happen?

I  turn, to see my furious older sister, Kelly, steaming and frothing at  the mouth. She must be really mad. I have no idea why. Wink wink.

"You, where did you put it?!"

I cock my head.

"Whatever do you mean sissy?"

"I will stab you with my pencil if you don't give it to me."

"You literally gave it to me!"

She scoffs and holds out her hand.

"Give it up. I change my mind."

I  mutter some not so nice words under my breath as I pull a sparkly pen out of my pencil case. I didn't even like it, but Isaac broke all my  other pens. And I try to stay away from pencils. Because to my family  they're more like knives.

She closes her hand around the pen, and stomps away, smacking me in the face with her long hair in the process.

"I love you too." I mutter angrily as I open my locker again.

Guess what? It's slammed shut, yet again. But this time right on my finger. Along with the sound of mental chopping down on your finger, there's a  sickening cracking sound. That's probably the sound of your finger being  broken.

"For the love of Christ! What the heck do you want?!" I yell as I open my locker to free my trapped finger.

"Shrimpy." My other older brother Jace laughs.


"Just wanted to remind you that I hate you. And do this."

He grabs my backpack and dumps the entire contents onto the floor.

"See ya around."

I groan as I start picking up all my things. Screw my family. They can go hug a cactus. I don't need them anyway.

I go to grab my folder, with my drawings in them, when a pair or hands grabs it. And start flipping through it. My eyes slowly rise to see who's touching my stuff, when I see a Greek god looking through my pictures.

Jet black hair, blue eyes, a face straight from heaven, and the height and build in every girl's dreams.

I sigh as I stand up, and patiently wait for him to finish looking through my personal stuff.

"Sorry, these are just so good." He says handing me the folder back.


His  eyes widen as his eyes find my finger, that's literally hanging on by  my skin. Like the bone is smashed and no longer connected.

"Holy shit, he did break your finger?" He says as he snatches my hand to examine my finger.

"Yeah, I should probably go to the nurses office now. So bye."

I pull my hand out of his, and start walking off. Only to be rejoined by him.

"Do you know you have a nasty burn on your neck? Along with a cut?"

I turn my eyes to his, and just give him a look.

No,  I didn't feel that at all! Why thanks for letting me know I have a  giant burn and cut along my neck. Totally not like I got that last  night.

But of course I stay silent as we walk.

"What's you're name?"

Why the heck is he even talking to me?

"What type of bet did you loose?"

He chuckles softly. "I didn't loose any bet. I'm just curious about the girl who everyone seems to bully."

"It's Raven."

"Last name?"

I sigh. "Scott. Raven Scott. Happy?"

"Does that mean you're related to Harper, Cole, Kelly, Jace, Isaac, Griffin, and Tess Scott?"

"Um... is that a trick question?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if you ask them you'll get a different answer. That's all."

"Well what do you say? Are they your siblings?"

"Yes. But not in their minds."

I open the nurses door, and shut it behind me. Effectively shutting the guy up.

"Hey Mrs. Berge. Uh, my finger got shut in the locker. I think it's broken."

She sighs as she looks at it.

"Yep, that suckers broken."

"I'll give you a note, now go to the doctors. You know I can't help you."

I groan, as she hands me a slip of paper.


"No problem, now try to keep out of trouble."

I nod as I exit.

"How's the finger?"

I ignore the gorgeous boy and walk back to where my locker is.

"Ok, fine. Ignore me. Doesn't mean I'm ignoring you."

I  open my locker, and just let it sit open for a few seconds before  quickly taking all the things I need. I shut it and start walking to the  exit.

"Where you going?"

I hold up my nurses note, as I exit the school.

I thought he'd stop following me. So I was kinda surprised as he reappeared at my side.

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