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Today's a big day. Well, mostly for Tyler, because he's starting his first day of college, but partly me too. So I do what any loving fiancée would do, beat their significant other with a pillow, as a nice wake up.

"Why? What in the world have I done to deserve this wakeup?" Tyler groans, grabbing the pillow out of his hand.

"You basically kidnapped me. Remember that? Locked me up in your house..."

"Took you to New York..." Tyler cuts in.

"Forced me to go to New York."

"Told each other that we were in love... Started dating... sounds terrible." Tyler says sarcastically.

"Hey! You took me to a party and let me get drunk!"

"No, you got lost and then got drunk. And if my old friend Colton wasn't there, you probably would have gotten assaulted."

I roll my eyes.

"Next time just except the fact you're getting beaten with a pillow."

Tyler narrows his eyes at me. "If you were pregnant right now, I would totally show you getting beaten with a pillow."

I grin. "Love you!"

"Love you too."

"You better. Know get your sorry ass outta bed and into clothes, you have college to get to dumbfuck."

"Wait, I thought you said you loved me?"

"These are the caring words of your loving fiancée. Now get changed!"

Tyler chuckles as he gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom.

I, first resist the urge to follow him into the bathroom, then screw everything and follow Tyler into the bathroom.

I creek the door open, and see he's in the shower. How adorable. Shrugging, I discard my clothes and follow Tyler into the shower.

What can I say? I'm feeling rebellious.

"W- wow Rae... what're you doing here?" Tyler asks as he takes a break from shampooing his hair.

"I didn't wanna wait for you to finish your shower to take mine... can you pass me my shampoo?"

Tyler chuckles as he hands me my shampoo, then sneaks a kiss on the cheek.

"Will this be happening more now that we're engaged?" Tyler asks.

"Maybe, maybe not. Depends on what mood I'm in."


After Tyler and I finished our shower... which was actually 100% strictly a shower, with not barely even kissing involved.

Yeah, it's actually possible to shower with another person without having sex or an intense make out session.

We get dressed for the day, and head down to the kitchen.

Gosh, I love our new place!!

"Ok, so call me if you need anything. Or have any questions. Or even if you just miss me. You could even text me."

"Tyler, you only have four classes today. I'm not going to die."

"But what if you did?"

"What if I jam your head up your ass where it belongs?" I suggest.

"K, never mind. Totally forget you're a feisty little kitten."

"I'm not a kitten! I'm a tiger!"

Tyler chuckles.

"And who was screaming like a little girl yesterday and called her fiancé, from work, to come kill a spider?"

"It was a huge spider! And he had it out for me, he had murder in every one of his eight little beady eyes."

"It was a daddy long leg spider. They can't hurt you."

"Why don't you go fuck a cactus?" I ask.

Tyler chuckles as he kisses my forehead. "I love you my little kitten."

Just for that I give him my best tiger roar, but it just came out pathetic.

"Like I said, cute little kitty cat."

I narrow my eyes at Tyler as he leaves the house. Screw Tyler! We don't need his help! Do we boys?

In response all I get is a kick from one of my boys.

"I bet you guys are gonna be active little babies huh?"

This time I don't get anything in response.

"Now let's go setup your guys' nursery." I say as I walk over to the boys' room. "We won't need daddy at all will we?"

That time I get two kicks.

"That's what I thought!" I cheer, hoping those kicks were them saying they didn't need their daddy's help.

"Wow. I can't believe in less the three months, hopefully, I'll be holding you guys. And Tyler and I will actually be a mommy and daddy. And hopefully we'll be better parents then mine could ever wish to be."


And that's the end. I hope you enjoyed this book, and I can't wait to hopefully see y'all in the next book. Which I should probably have up by the end of the week at the latest.

See you tic tacs soon!<33

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