Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Raven's POV:

I wake up to loud banging on my door. Get out of bed, and turn my lamp on. Because someone is waking me up in the middle of the night.

I open the door, to see Dax.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask as I rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"For you to love me like a brother, or just like me. But that will never happen." Dax says as he enters my room and shuts the door behind him.

"Tyler wants to talk to you." Dax says handing me his phone.

I put the phone up to my ear. "Tyler?"

"Hey Rae. Pack up your things. I'm getting you out."

"Fat chance. I'm not leaving until I know my parents don't have anything on your family."

"Raven, you just have to trust me on this. Please."

"What about school? I can't just leave the private school. If I do, I'll never pass my junior year."

"I'll still take you there. But Raven, baby I need you. I'm not joking when I say I can't sleep without you. Not when I know you could be getting hurt."

"Fine. I'll go with you. But don't blame me if bad things get released."

"I won't. I love you."

"I love you too."

"I'll be over soon."

I say bye, then hang up. I hand Dax is phone then start packing up my stuff.

"Raven, are you leaving?" Dax asks.

"Yeah. I can't stay here."

"I probably won't see you again. Will I?"

"I'm not sure."

"Are you leaving because of me? I know I've been a bad brother, but I didn't know any different! Ever since I can remember, everyone's always been mean to you. But I tried fixing it. Raven, I want to stay in your life. You're my only sibling I actually like."

I stop packing, and look at Dax, who has tears in his eyes.

"I'm not leaving because of you Dax. I'm leaving because I want to."

"P-promise it's not because of me?"

"I promise bud."

Dax smiles sadly.

"Bye Rae."

"Bye Dax."

Dax sadly walks out of my room. Leaving me to pack in silence.


I decide I want to draw some, because I haven't done that at all since I've come back home.

I don't have to think long about what to draw. Because I draw my feelings, since I can't talk about my feelings that well. And my feels nags have been going haywire since I came back.

I mean, my parents haven't really hurt me, but they haven't kept their hands to themselves. But I don't classify it as them hurting me, because I never lost large amounts of blood, or gotten burned badly. Just a few hits here and there. Nothing extreme.

I draw a locked box. Underwater. With tons of keys scattered around the page. But the one key that goes to the box, it floating above the water. Just out of reach.

How that relates to my feelings? Well, I'm the box. Underwater, and surrounded by keys, people. The old looking keys, represent my family. And the new ones represent my new family. The one key, the only one that can open the box, is out of reach. That's Tyler. The only person who can keep me sane. The only person who can break down my walls. The only person I want. And even if he's coming for me, he still feels way out of reach.

I know it's cheesy, but I don't care. It's how I feel. And by me being underwater, it signifies that I'm not ok. I don't want to die. Not anymore. But that doesn't mean I'm sad out of this world. Being back at my parents house, it makes me feel lost, distant from everything, and like I'll never get free.

There's a knock on my door, then it opens. I look up, and see Dax.

"I thought you might want your phone back before you leave." He says holding out my phone.

"How'd you get this Dax?"

"Easy. I just took it."

"You know, I think I like you the best out of all my other family members."

Dax smiles so big, it looks like his face will split in half, but I love it. Maybe after all he doesn't wish me dead.

He waves bye as he leaves my room again.

I think I might actually miss the little man. Weird isn't it?

A few minutes later, my door opens again. I look up, and see Tyler looking down at me.

"Tyler!" I whisper shout as I run to him.

Looks like the key that was so far out of my reach, finally came into my reach.

"Hey Raerae."

We both stay in a hug for several minutes, or hours. I'm not sure. But I don't even care.

Tyler pulls away, and starts looking over my arms. Then he lifts my shirt and checks my stomach and my back. Then my neck.

"Ty, what are you doing?"

"Checking to see if you're hurt."

"I'm fine Ty."

Tyler shakes his head. "I love you, I trust you, but I know you too. If you did get hurt, you wouldn't tell me."

I can't help the smile that comes onto my face. He really does love me, doesn't he?

"Aha! Liar!"

"What?" I ask.

Tyler points to my right leg. Where there's a hand print shaped bruise.

"Ok, so my mom slapped me. So what?"

Tyler raises an eyebrow as he pokes the part of my cheek by my ear. And I wince.

"Ok, that was also just a slap. But I don't have anymore scars!"

Tyler just gives me a look as he grabs my left leg, to show me the medium sized cut from my knee to my mid thigh.

"When that heals it won't be a scar."

Tyler pulls me into another hug.

"I love you so much Raven. And I hate seeing you hurt."

I smile into his chest. "I love you too Ty."

We hug for a while again. And when we pull apart, I press I quick kiss to Tyler's lips. Just because I'm his girlfriend and I'm allowed to.

He grabs my two bags, and we quietly walk down the stairs, and out the door.

There goes my whole childhood with the house. But it never was a good childhood, was it?

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