Chapter Six

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I  get home, and my little brother Dax is sitting on the stairs. I haven't  even seen him in several months. And we live at the same house.

"Rae? Since when has your hair been blue?"

"It's been blue for several months." I say cautiously.

Dax gets off the stairs and walks to me.

"Why do you seem scared?"

I nervously laugh. I'm totally not scared of my 10yr. old little brother. But last time I saw him, he got me in huge trouble.

"No reason."

Dax slowly nods.

"Hey Rae? Why are you never around?"

I blink. Does he somehow not know about my whole family situation?

"Because I'm not allowed home before 4pm. And I can't be at home past 6am at the latest. Don't you know that?"

Dax runs his small hand through his hair.

"Is that how normal families are?"

"What do you mean?"

"I  mean, do only one sibling have all these rules to follow, when all the  others don't? Is it normal for dad to only hurt you? Is it normal for  you to be hated, by your own brothers and sisters?"

"Probably not. But we aren't like normal families. We have 12 other siblings."

Dax sits back down on the stairs.

"Does dad abuse you? Is that why you're always covered in blood when you are around?"

"No, dad doesn't abuse me. It's corporal punishment. Like getting grounded. It's normal for me."

Dax crosses his small arms.

"Rae,  don't lie to me. I was just asking to see what you said. At school  today Terry talked about abuse. Since he went through it. It sounds a  lot like what you go through. Physical, mental, emotional, and verbal  abuse. You fit every symptom."

"Dax, I'm not being abused."

"Then  go to dad. Or go to mom. Just break one of your crazy rules you've been  given. I've seen the list taped to your door. If you're not being  abused, you wouldn't be scared to break one of them."

"This  is stupid Dax. I shouldn't have to be having this conversation with  you. You're my freaking brother! You of all people should see I'm not  being abused!" I lie. It's scary how good I've gotten at lying.

"Raven,  I'll keep this a secret for a little bit. But not forever. You're our  own flesh and blood, how we all treat you is wrong. Now I want you to  go, walk around for a bit, and treat yourself to something nice. You  know you have the money to."

I angrily stomp away. He's being a freaking jerk! He was better when he didn't care!


I don't know where I walked to, or how long I was walking, but now I'm lost. I find a bench by a street lap, so I sit down.

It's  now probably around 9-10pm. And I'm not even worried. No one at home  will care if I don't show up at all. I might even skip school. Heck, I  could end it all! Maybe I should.

I'm tempted to grab my blade and just make a cut, at least. But I think against it, and start walking again.


After several more hours of just walking around, not really caring where I end up, I start to remember where I am.

Great, I'm in the area my sister and her husband live. Maybe I could visit.

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