Bounus Chapter

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Of course, the day when I get basically no sleep, is the day I'm woken up by my sons arguing again.

I sit up, and see Tyler's not in bed.

Oh... that's why. I see on his pillow is a note.

Dearest most beloved wife of mine,

I am super duper sorry for leaving, but I've got a class at 8am. I'm not waking you up to say bye, because I want you to sleep. We both know the boys will come get you if you sleep too long for their liking or they want you. I've already told them you'll be sleeping in. I already made them their breakfast, and got them ready for the day. I would've taken them to college with me, but I don't think taking two 4 yr. olds to class would be a good idea. I love you. And I hope you're feeling a little bit better. I also told the boys to be nice to you because you aren't feeling too well. I love you. I really have to go now babe. I'll be back by 12pm. Maybe I'll come back in between classes, if I have time. Have I mentioned I love you? Bye sugarplum!

Your awesomely and amazingly handsome husband Tyler

P.s. I love you♡︎

I look at the clock, and see it's 9am.

Uh! I have to wait forever for Tyler to come back!

I hear River shush his brother, and I'm about to get out of bed and see what they're up to, but then the bedroom door opens, and River and Wyatt come walking in.

"Good morning mommy!!" Wyatt yells.

"Wywy, you need to keep it down. Mommy is just a gentle poor soul. We need to be quiet." River tells his brother as he walks towards me.

"Hi mommy!" He whispers.

"Hi bud." I whisper back.

"Daddy told us to give this to you." River whispers as he calls his brother over, who's holding a ziplock bag with a strawberry in it.

"There was toast, but um..." Wyatt trails off as he looks down at the ground.

"My silly baby brother ate your toast daddy made." River says as he shakes his head.

"Hey! You ate a piece too!" Wyatt yells as he jumps onto my bed.

"What can I say, I'm a growing boy. I need my carbs."

"River, how do you know what carbs are?" I ask.

River shrugs. "I have no idea. But I know that ballerinas don't eat bread. Mackenzie from daycare told me! Her mommy is a ballerina."

"Mackenzie's mom is a ballerina? That's cool you know that bud." I say as I hold my arms out for a hug.

They both jump into my arms, and we stay like that for a good few minutes. "When's daddy coming back?" Wyatt asks.

I shrug. "I'm not sure boys. Daddy said he'd try to come back in between classes."

Wyatt sighs. "There's only one thing we can do then."

"What's this?! My baby brother coming up with a plan?! Since when did you get so smart? Hmm??"

I snicker softly at my boys and get out of bed. "You two are so cute!"

River grins at me. "Oh, I know."

I toss my hair into a bun, and slip on some shoes. "Ok boys, let's get you off to daycare. By the time you get back, daddy should be here."

River and Wyatt happily clap their hands and run off to get their backpacks, while I just throw on one of Tyler's hoodies.

I check on the boys, and see they are patiently waiting for me by the front door. I grab the keys off of the counter, and drive them to their daycare.

"Bye babies! I love you guys, have a good day!" I say as they walk into the room. I go back to the car, and drive straight to the University of Delaware. Do I go to college there? Heck no, you probably need to finish high school first. But guess who does? My husband.

I park the car, and walk onto campus. I made it my job as his wife to memorize when and where his classes were, so that's why I'm now sitting outside building G waiting for him to exit. There's probably only a few minutes until his class is dismissed.

As if on cue, a bunch of people start walking out. But I just sit back and scan the crowds for Tyler. When I spot him, I can't help but snicker as he basically runs away from some girl following him.

"I have a wonderful wife Stacy! It's disgusting you think I would cheat on her, I'd rather someone pull out my finger nails then do that. Heck, I'd rather die then hurt that little turd. I love her, and I don't like how you think this is ok. I'm a married man. Leave me alone."

My jaw drops. Oh wow, that was so hot. Taking that as my chance, I walk over to Tyler.

"Sugarplum?! What are you doing here?"

I smile and press my lips to his shortly. "You called me a turd."

Tyler snorts. "Yeah. A damn cute turd too."

I wrap my arms around him and we stay hugging for a bit. "Have I mentioned how hot you are when you're fending off the ladies? Something about the fact I got to you first makes me smile. I love you douchebag."

"I mean, I bet it's hard to not love me. I'm amazing."

"True dat my man."

Tyler tightens his arms around me, to the point where it is hard to breathe, yet I say nothing. I just hug him back.

"Uh I hate being away from you love. I sometimes wanna just drop out of college, spend more time with you and the boys."

"I know. But it's ok. We can manage. We've made it this far, why not just stick it out to the end."

Tyler groans. "Why do you have to be so good at rationalizing people?"

I pull away from Tyler and shrug. "Learned from the best."

I start walking away, because Tyler has a class only a few minutes after the one he just got out of.

"Hey! I love you!" He yells.

"I love you too!"

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