Chapter Twenty-Six

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*February again*

Tyler's POV:

Ok, don't panic. It's only been a few minutes since an hour went by. She'll text me soon. She's probably busy. I tell myself.

I start pacing back and fourth, trying to calm down. Nothing bad has happened to Raven. It's not like her parents will kill her. I think.

After another hour, I'm about to grab my keys and drive to her, when my phone buzzes.

I quick open messages, and I stiffen when I read what Raven sent me.

Tyler, I'm done. I'm sorry. It's not you, it's me. I just can't do this. Please don't contact me anymore. I'm really sorry. Goodbye. -Raven

It's ok. She's just joking.

Oh but she isn't Tyler. Why would she want to stay with you? You're this horrible person. Who would want you?

No. I refuse to believe she would just breakup with me. I mean, she went to her parents house, then texts that she's breaking up with me? It doesn't make sense. Anyway, if Raven wanted to leave me, she would do it in person. Right?

Or maybe she really is done with you. Ever think about that? Maybe she finally realized she could do so much better.

I try calling Raven, but she blocked me.

Is she really done with me?


I don't think I've felt this vulnerable and broken since Wyatt died.

She can't really be done with me, can she?

I need to see her. Just to see if she's really done, or was like... forced to do it.

But what if she doesn't want to see me?

Screw that, I'm going.

I grab my keys and run to my car.

Soon enough, I'm at a familiar house. Memories from when Ravens stayed at that little park rise into my mind. And how she didn't even want me near her house.

I walk to the back of her house, thankful that it's dark out. Then I climb up a tree not too far from the roof. I then jump onto the roof, and carefully walk over to where Ravens window is.

Thank the good Lord Dax told me how to get to Ravens room if needed.

I knock on the window. A few seconds later, her lamp turns on. She jumps slightly when she sees me, but runs over and opens the window for me to come in.

"T-Tyler what are you doing here?" She asks.

"I just... I just want to know if it's true. Are you really done with me?"

Raven exhales and sits on her bed. She pats the spot next to her, so I sit down and wrap an arm around her.

Who knows, this could be my last time ever touching her. Even if it sounds kinda dirty. It's true.

"I... it's not true. I was forced to. My parents say they have secrets on your family. And they tell everyone if I didn't breakup with you."

"So you don't really want to breakup with me?"

She shakes her head.

"So what now?"

"Well, I'm not sure. My mom took my phone, and they're forcing me to go to private school."

"It's ok. We'll figure it out."

Raven nods as she leans into my side. "It'll be alright."

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