Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*Still February*

Raven's POV:

Darcy grabs my arm and drags me off the bus.

"Welcome to St. Martha's private school!" Darcy says motioning to the giant stone building.

Honestly it looks kind of scary. I don't know how long I'll be going here. Because what if I can't get away from my parents?

"Darcy, let go of the poor girl. You're probably scaring her. You just met her today. Tone down the friendliness." Aiden says as he gets off the bus.

"Right sorry. Now, hand me your schedule."

I hand my schedule to Darcy, she and Aiden both scan over it.

"Well, looks like you share all of your classes with the both of us. So that's great!" Darcy says as she hands me back my schedule. 

Darcy loops arms with me and starts dragging me towards the school.

We stop by a locker. "Here's your locker." Darcy says.

I open it and put away the textbooks I won't be needing right away.


The bell rings, and Darcy jumps up.

"It's lunch time!" She cheers.

Aiden rolls his eyes as he puts his stuff in his backpack. I do the same.

When I'm done, Darcy grabs my hand, and drags me out of the classroom and down the hall.

I'm starting to think St. Martha's doesn't get too many new kids. Because everyone stares at me like I have two heads. And I'm thinking Darcy is one of those super happy loud outgoing kids. But I'm also getting the sense that something's wrong about her. Like she's hiding something.

We get to a table, and she pushes me into a seat next to her. With Aiden sitting across from us.

"Why the long face Rae?" Darcy asks.


"Come on. I promise I won't tell anyone." Darcy urges.

"It's just, is usually be eating lunch with my boyfriend. That's all."

"Oh. Well call him then."

"My mom took my phone. She doesn't want me talking to him. Actually, we aren't technically together."

Darcy just looks at me.

"I have no idea what's going on, but you can use my phone to call him if you want." Dart says holding out her phone for me to take.

"Thanks Darcy." I say taking the phone.

I punch in Tyler's number, that I committed to memory the day he gave me the phone.

He picks up on the fourth ring.

"Who the hell is this?" He snaps.

"It's me Raven, douche. I'm calling on my friends phone." I know I've only known Darcy for a few hours, but I can already tell she's going to be sticking around. Not that I mind though. I kinda like her clinginess.

"Raven? How do I really know it's you?"

"Tyler how do you not recognize your own girlfriend's voice? I'm going to chop your balls of when I see you!" I snap into the phone.

"It is you! Gosh, I had no idea how much I missed your voice." If I wasn't mistaken, I'd think Tyler sounded like he was seconds away from crying. "I love you."

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