Chapter Sixteen

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Tyler's POV:

I've been banished to the couch.

Good job dipshit.

Shut up!

Damn, Benny boy already angry?

Holy fuck. I'm literally fighting with myself. I'm going fucking insane.

I sit on the couch and hold my head in my hands.

I could have sworn I saw the word  'inbreed' carved into her back.

Oh gosh, don't even get me started on her actual back.

Ever seen Hunger Games: Catching Fire? Remember that scene with Gale? When he was getting whipped on the back? That's what her back looked like. But much much worse. And it wasn't movie magic.

My stomach churns just thinking of seeing her back again.

How can her own parents do that to her? How can they just not care?

"All my fucking life I haven't found a single fucking reason to stay. No one needs me. No one cares. I'm unwanted." Ravens words ring through my head.

She's probably never had someone care for her. Never had someone want to be around her. Never had a good life.

I need to change that. She deserves better.

For once I agree with my mind. But I don't know how to show her I care. Clearly the way I was doing it before didn't work. Because now I've been kicked out of my own bedroom, in my apartment.

That's it! I'll take her to New York with me.

I always go for my winter break, so I'll just bring her along.

I bet she's never had a vacation. So she definitely deserves one even more.


A pillow slams down on my face, and I jerk up. Only to see Raven glaring at me.

"How the hell did you lock your door, from the inside?" Raven asks pointing in the direction of the front door.

"I actually have no idea." I say as I get off the couch and walk behind her.

No blood on her shirt. Good sign.

I pull her into a hug. Just because I'm a guy, and can't get enough contact with the female kind.

"Tyler, I'm still really mad at you." She mumbles into my chest.

I run my thumbs in small circles on her hips. Which are slightly exposed from the shirt being wrinkled in the hug.

"Tyler, stop touching me before I knee your balls." She groans.

But I don't stop.

I know she loves it. She's just trying to stay mad.

"Gosh Tyler! Stop doing that!"


"B-because it's actually really nice. I'm trying to be mad at you."

"Mhm. And why do you want to be mad at me?"

"You're holding me hostage." She says. Trying to sound nonchalant, but fails miserably.

"You've banished me to the couch, in my own apartment."


I chuckle softly.

Her stomach grumbles loudly.

"Hungry sugarplums?"

Within a second, I'm crumpled on the ground. Clutching helplessly at my poor poor balls.

"Don't call me sugarplums. At least not when I'm supposed to be mad at you."

"K." I groan out.

"When you're recovered though, pancakes would be great."

If I wasn't in paralyzing pain right now, I would have laughed. But no. My balls are crying. So I am too.

Not literally though. That would be bad for my man pride. Obviously.


Ravens obviously in a better mood now that she has food in her. So that's great.

"Tyler!" She shrieks from my room.

"Whatever it is, I didn't do it!" I call back.

"Shut up and come help me!" She calls.

I groan as I get up and go to my room.

I see she's got her hair stuck on her flannel somehow.

"How the hell did you do that?"

"I don't know! Now just get my hair free."

I hold in a chuckle as I go and untangle her hair from the flannel.

She takes the flannel off, and throws it on the ground.

"That deserves to be burned. Along with you. Get out!"

"No can do sister."

I jump out of the way right before her knee lands into my precious balls.

"Don't call me names. Or I will break your poor little guy. And you will never be able to have children."

I hold my hands in surrender as I take a step back.

"I was just gonna tell you we're going to New York for winter break."

"Hell no."


"Because, I hate New York. Not only does my older brother live there, but so does my adoptive family."

"New York's a big state Rae."

"Don't care."

"I wasn't giving you a choice."

She groans loudly as she pushes me out of my room.

"If you come back in here, without food, I'm not hesitating to call the cops and say you kidnapped me."

I peck her forehead, leaving her with a stunned expression.

"You know you love it."

Once she realizes what's going on again, she slams the door on my face.

"Love you too sugarplums!"

"Shut the fuck up Tyler!!

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