Chapter Forty

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Raven's POV:

I rub my chin as I look down at Tyler's sleeping form. How should I wake him up.

I was going to beat him with a pillow, but I decided to be nice to him today instead. So I carefully climb on top of him, straddling his waist, then start kissing his neck.

Tyler stirs, but not enough to knock me off him.

"Why good morning Raven. What earned me this wakeup?" He asks smiling.

"Well, I was going to beat you with my pillow, but I decided to wake you up nicely since you're graduating today."

"You're graduating tomorrow."

"That's just me passing junior year Ty. Nothing special. I mean, I'm dropping out so it is my last year of school, but it's not my twelfth grade graduation."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you're dropping out. I still don't get why though."

"I don't have enough money to pay for the private school, and then I'll have our child. But now you can go to college."

Tyler sighs.

"But I don't want to go to college without you."

"Tyler, we'll have two babies, there's no way we could handle college as well. But if just you go, it'll be fine."

Tyler sighs.

"I guess. I'll just go to the community college here. Or maybe the University of Delaware. Whichever will accept me."

I jump off of Tyler, and grab his computer, then place it on his lap.

"You should apply now. Sooner rather than later."

Tyler groans.

"I don't even know what I want to have as my career."

"Well what do you like to do?"

"I don't know. I mean, I kinda like helping damaged people."

"You could go into psychology. Become a therapist or something."

"Actually, I can imagine myself as that."

"And if you don't like it, you could always switch your major."

Tyler smiles as he starts applying to both colleges.


Anna runs over to me and hugs me. "I've missed you Rae! Being cooped up in a house with just my parents is stressful."

"Haven't you lived with just your parents for a while?"

"We don't worry about the details. We're here now. So that's all that matters."

"Oh hey Raven!" Erica says pulling me into a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm great." I say once we pull away from the hug. And it's not really a lie. I'm mostly over my whole family thing. But then again, I still have a house I have no idea what to do with. It would have been better if they never gave me the house.

"How's the babies? Any names yet?"

"Well, we still don't know the genders, but we've decided to name one River. No matter the gender. If we have a girl, we're gonna name her Emily. And if we have a boy, we're gonna name him Wyatt, Tyler picked that name."

"Aw! Tyler actually going through with it? He always talked about naming his son after Wyatt, but as time went on, and Wyatt's family moved away, we all lost hope that it would happen." Anna says.

"Girls, the ceremony will start soon, lets go get seats." Bryce says leading us girls to find seats. We end up in the middle. 

Even though there's a lot of people, including some of my siblings, I can still find Tyler in the crowd without a problem.

Since my siblings last name is Scott, and Tyler's is Short, my siblings go first.

It was a bittersweet moment. It was sweet that they were perusing their dreams, and bitter that I was no longer part of that family, and they never loved me.

But it's good my parents aren't here. Not so much for my siblings. But that's ok.

When Tyler gets his diploma, I make sure to cheer extra loud. The whole time, Tyler's eyes were glued to mine.

The rest of the ceremony went smoothly. Then afterwards, Tyler came basically running to me. He hugs me tightly, but not too tight.

"I can't believe you're all done." I whisper.

"I would have graduated last year, but I was held back." Tyler says.

"I would have been graduating today, but I got held back too."

We both chuckle softly. But soon my chuckles turn into small cries.

I thought I'd be fine seeing my siblings. I thought I was fine with being abandoned by my family. I thought I was over it. But I'm not. It hurts so fucking bad.

I want my parents to love me like Tyler's parents love him. Yeah, they hit a rough patch, but they're fine now. They showed up to Tyler's graduation. And I know for a fact my parents won't show up to mine. Mostly because I'm dropping out of school after tomorrow. But if I was graduating, they wouldn't come.

What did I ever do to them? Even before I was born, they didn't want me. Why couldn't they just love me like they love my siblings?

"Rae, baby why are you crying?" Tyler asks tilting my head up so he can see my face.

"I thought I was fine with it. I thought I could handle seeing my siblings. But I'm not Ty. I know I should be happy I'm away from them, but I just can't understand why my parents never liked me." I say softly as I push my head into Tyler's chest.

"Your parents just never saw how amazing you are baby. They didn't appreciate you like they should have."

I hear Tyler say something to his worried parents and sister, then he picks me up, and starts walking somewhere. But I keep my head crammed into his shoulder.

A minute later, I'm being placed into a car. But that's all I'm aware of, because in a blink of my eyes, we're back home.

Tyler carries me up to our apartment, and to our room. Gently setting me on the bed. And I curl into his side.

"I'm sorry Ty. Y- you should be out celebrating and not here with me." I mumble.

"I am celebrating. I'm with my beautiful girlfriend, and my two little munchkins. It's all the celebration I need."


Tyler's making me food, while I "rest" in bed. Because apparently I'm supposed to take an easy. Like bitch, I'm only sixteen weeks pregnant. I can still get out of bed and move around as I please.

Tyler comes back with our dinner, which consists of grilled cheese and chicken nuggets. Not that I mind though. I need to gain a little weight anyway.

We watch a movie on Netflix as eat.

I thought comes into my mind.

"Hey Tyler?"


"I'm happy. Genuinely happy. And it's all because of you. I love you so fucking much."

Tyler leans over and kisses me. "I love you so fucking much too baby."

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