Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Babe, don't stress, just wear my clothes."

"Don't stress?! Tyler my pants don't fit! I'm going to stress!" I yell as I toss my pants on the floor. Stupid baby bump. But then again, it's a freaking baby bump. My baby bump.

Tyler walks over to me and picks up my jeans and puts them back in the dresser.

"Just wear that dress you got a bit ago." Tyler says.

"That's definitely going to shout, 'hey! You don't know me, but I'm adding another generation to your family!'"

Tyler shrugs.

"I think we should tell them. They already like you."

I groan and grab the dress out of the closet. It's a cute dress. It's a brownish-red mid thigh length tight dress. It also has a small cutout on the back, which I disliked. But it was and still is a super cute dress. And it's stretchy.

"Are you sure? I have a feeling your dad doesn't like me."

"My dad can go screw himself. You'll look gorgeous no matter what you wear."

I sigh and put the dress on, and I definitely look pregnant. Cute, but pregnant. Like twelve weeks pregnant with twins.

"You look fine Rae."

I groan. I really feel like his family won't appreciate me being pregnant. Tyler and I haven't even been dating for more then six months. Granted we liked each other since early November. Still.

Tyler drags me into his car, and starts driving.

"We have nothing planned Ty."

"You're only twelve weeks Rae, we still have a while."

"They could come early." I state.

"They could come late."

"I doubt that Ty."

"Fair point."


We pull into Tyler's family's driveway. Cue the panic.

Tyler and I get out, and Tyler wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry Raerae. It's gonna be fine."

I nod, even though I don't think it will be fine.

Tyler walks right into the house, dragging me along with him.

"Anna! Get your fat butt down here!" Tyler yells from the bottom of the stairs.


Anna appears at the top of the stairs, and freezes as she stares at my belly. If I wasn't pregnant, I'd find it very offensive, but I am pregnant so...

Tyler puts a finger up to his lips, silently telling Anna to keep quiet.

"Ty, Raven, let's go to my room." She says.

Tyler shrugs and pulls me up the stairs behind him.

"Tyler hun, are you gonna come say hi?" Erica, Tyler's mom asks.

"Hi mom." Tyler says as we walk down a hall, and enter a bedroom.

Anna shuts the door, and tells us sit on her bed.

"Ok, so what the hell is going on?" Anna asks.

"Well... you're gonna be an aunt." Tyler says nonchalantly.

Anna starts squealing.

"I can't believe it! Oh, how far along are you? Do you have an pictures of the baby-"

"Babies." I correct.

"Babies? As in more then one?!"

"Yep. We're having twins." Tyler says.

"Oh my gosh! So, how far along are you?"

"Twelve weeks." I say.

Anna smacks Tyler in the shoulder.

"Fucking bitch! Why didn't you tell me when you first found out you were gonna be a dad?" Anna says crossing her arms.

"Because, we wanted to tell y'all in person, but we aren't sure how mom and dad will react." Tyler says.

"Ok whatever, they're finding out now. Raven, Bentley let's go."

Tyler groans.

"I didn't do anything wrong! Why do you have to call me Bentley?"

"Because. It's been twelve weeks, and I never knew my future sister-in-law was preggers."

Anna gently grabs my hand and pulls me out of her room. Despite me trying to pull away. She's dead set on telling her parents.

"Mom!" Anna yells.

Erica comes out of the kitchen, and gasps when she sees me. Or my baby bump.

"Aww Raven! You're pregnant?"

I nod.

"Wait, you're pregnant?! I'm gonna be a grandma?!"

"Yeah mom."

"Raven, how far along are you? How is your pregnancy? Are you excited?"

"I'm twelve weeks, both babies are healthy, and I'm super excited and really nervous." I say taking a seat on the couch.

"Did I hear both babies?"

"Yep. We're having twins." Tyler says sitting next to me.

"Bryce! Get over here!" Erica yells.

Her husband appears a second later.

"What's going on here?" He asks.

"Raven's pregnant with twins!" Anna says.

"Really? Congratulations Raven... wait a second... I'm gonna be a grandpa?"

Tyler nods his head.

"Do you guys wanna see the ultrasound picture?" I ask.

Everyone says yes, so I hand them my copy, and they all gush over it.

"When's your next ultrasound?" Erica asks.

"In three days. The doctor said there's a chance we might find out the genders."

"Already?" Anna asks.

"Yeah. They're growing really fast." I say.

"I still can't believe I'm gonna be an aunt. What does your family think about you being pregnant Raven?"

Tyler and I go deadly silent. Anna must have forgotten that I told her my relationship with my family is complicated. And now they aren't even my family.

Tyler clears his throat. "What genders do you think they'll be?"

After that it was kinda awkward, but by the time we ate dinner, it was long forgotten, and it felt like I was truly accepted into their family.

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