Chapter Three

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I start walking along the sidewalk when the guy speaks. "Do you need a ride?"


I hike my backpack onto my back more, but somehow it smacks my dearest broken finger. Causing me to gasp at the sudden pain.

"Ow! Holy avocado!"

I  let my backpack fall off my shoulders, since it's actually broken.  Curtsy of my younger brother Griffin. So now the straps are no longer  attached at the bottom. Meaning I have to hold it to keep it on my  back.

"You ok?"

That's  when I remember I'm in front of a person. My walls go right up again. I  stand up, and grab my backpack. Walking off leaving the guy by himself  again. But obviously he runs after me.


I come to a stop by the doctors office. I enter, and the guy follows me.

"Raven? What did you break now?" The receptionist asks.

"I just accidentally shut my finger in my locker." I lie.

The guys about to tell her the truth, but I elbow him in the side.

"Ok, well Dr. Collins can take you now."

I walk back into a very familiar room and sit down. Thankfully the guy didn't follow me. You know what? Let's call the guy... Josh.

Dr. Collins comes in a moment later.

"Raven, back so soon?"

That's right. I forgot i just had a broken ankle. How funny.

"Yeah, accidentally shut my finger in my locker."

She looks at my finger.

"Oh boy. Now I need an X-ray but I can already tell it's broken."


I walk out of the room, with a splint on my finger. I go to the front desk, and see Josh still waiting. I should really find out why he's following me around.

"Ok, that's gonna be $278.92. Do you want to pay now, or let the bill come in the mail."

I sigh. "I'll pay now."

I grab my wallet, and hand her my debit card.

Thankfully  I have super rich grandparents who give me $4,000 each year. You're  probably thinking that's a lot. But all my other siblings get $12,000  each year. Yep, even my mom's parents don't like me.

Once  I'm done paying, I exit. And start back to school. It'd be better if I  got back before lunch. Because I have two kids who get my lunch. And I  don't feel like getting beat up extra.

"So, back to school?" Josh asks.

"Yes. Why go home when I don't have to?"

"But its school? How can you want to be at school?"

I don't. But it's better than being with my hungover parents. I don't have a death wish.

We get back to school, right as the lunch bell rings. Thank goodness I'm not late.

"Look, stop following me around." I say as I start running to the spot where the boys get their lunch from me.

Thankfully he doesn't follow me. I get to the certain table in the cafeteria, and grab the lunches out of my backpack.

The boys come up to me, and snatch them without a word.

Since the lunch tables the one in the corner, where the light bulbs are out, no one even looks over here. So I'm safe. I pull out my sketchbook and start working on my current drawing. It's a grave, with my name on it. Very happy and bright. I know.

"That's not so bright."

I jump when I hear Josh say that. He's really annoying.


I look up and see Josh slide his tatter tots towards me.

"No thanks."

I try to push them back, but Josh doesn't let me.

"I saw those guys take your lunch. Now eat this, or I'm not keeping your secret."


"Yeah. I mean, I could call cps and report someone being abused."

I don't know how he knows. But he does. And I can't drag my family's name through the mud. I snatch the tater tots and start eating them.

"Let's review what I know about you. Yeah?"

When I don't answer he continues talking anyway.

"First  off, you have multiple bully groups. Your siblings disowned you. Your  being abused. And obviously no one outside of your family knows that.  The school and doctor are oblivious to your bullying and abuse because  you lie about it. You probably don't have any friends. And I bet you're  crazy depressed. And probably think you're better off dead. Am I right?"

"Ok, who are you?"

He smirks.

"Names Tyler. I'm the new transfer student. I'm crazy observant. And your new bestie."

"Haha.  So very funny." I say cramming another tater tot in my mouth. Turns out  not eating for three days, will make you very hungry.

"It's  not a joke. We both don't have friends. The school body doesn't like  us. And we both have our secrets. That and you're just someone I wanna  be around."

I scoff and get up.

"Don't lie. It's not funny."

I walk away, but then double back to take the rest of the tater tots.

"I'm taking these."

He chuckles as I walk away for good this time.


Hey tic tacs. Hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

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