Chapter Nine

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I'm  in a bad mood. I yelled at my siblings to leave me alone, and my mom heard.  So I got all the punishments I have. Along with that, I didn't get any  sleep in the past four days, and I'm ready to drop dead. Like literally.  Not to mention, I have finals coming up before winter break.

"Raven!" I hear Tyler shout from behind me.

For the past week or so we've been walking to school together. Since I started refusing to let Tyler drive me to school.

"Wait up!"

Do I wait? Yeah, of course I don't wait. I don't want to be near Tyler.

"Are you ok?"

"Am I ok? What the hell do you fucking think?!" I yell as I speed up.

"Ok, what did I miss? I get it's Monday, and you hate Mondays, but you never act like this. So what happened over the weekend?"

"None of your fucking business douchebag."

I know he didn't do anything, but I get really toxic when I'm in a mood.

"Look  at that, did another bonfire go wrong? Did you weed without gloves  again? Come on Raven, just tell me what happened." Tyler whines.

"Just shut the hell up!" I yell.

I take several deep breaths, then feel the sudden urge to start crying.

I  start fidgeting with my fingers as we walk. And I try to breathe  through my nose, but the dam breaks the seconds Tyler asks if I'm ok.

"Wow, why are you crying? You never cry."

I  toss my backpack on the snowy ground, and kick it a few times. Then sit crisis-cross on the ground as I cry. Tyler sits next to me, and pulls me  into his side.

"You wanna skip school and go to my place? We can watch cheesy movies and eat tons of junk food."

"I'll get in so much trouble." I say softly.

"I'll call the school and tell them you're sick. But let's go back to my car, and maybe not sit on the snowy ground."

He stands up, but I suddenly don't feel like walking anymore. Actually, I feel dizzy and lightheaded. And I can't feel my feet.

"Hey, are you ok? You look like you're about to pass out."

"I haven't slept in like four days. And haven't eaten in two."

I go to stand up, but of course my legs have to give up on me. So I end up sprawled out on the freezing cold snowy ground.

"You know what? I think I'll just stay here. Freeze to death. Sounds nice. I never liked my life anyway."

Tyler picks up my backpack, and puts it on his shoulder.

"Come on, it's not that far."

But  for some reason, I start balling again. I have no idea why, but I'm  just gonna say it's because I haven't slept in a long time.

Tyler sighs and picks me up bridal style.

"You don't have to carry me." I mumble as I hiccup.

"I  do when you'd rather freeze to death. Anyway, it's not like you're  heavy. You probably weigh as much as both of the backpacks."

I  sigh since I actually don't feel like walking. We get to where Tyler  parks his car, which is a block or so away from my house.

He sets me down in his car, then hops in himself after tossing our backpacks in the back seat.

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