Chapter Eleven

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Tyler's POV:

Fuck. How is she so small? I wanna kill those fuckers who call themselves her parents.

I really need to talk to one of her siblings about what goes on at her house.

Wait- no. I can't. I can't go behind her back. I think she finally trusts me.

Rae puts her sandwich down and rests her head on her hands.

Fuck she only ate half! She's gonna waste away. I can't let that happen.

"You gonna eat the rest of that sugarplums?"

Sugarplums?! Way to go shithead. How the hell is she going to gain weight if you eat her fucking food?!

"No, you can have the rest."

I grab her sandwich and cram half of it in my mouth. I'm a disgusting fucker. How does she even stand being around me?

Oh never mind. She's told me several times to leave her alone. But, that's where my manly skills come in, and I can't understand the word no. It's a family trait.

My hand starts moving on it's own to her thigh, which I'm oddly obsessed with. Damn her! She made me have a thing for her thighs. Just because I'm a horny guy, and I like teasing her, I start moving my hand higher on her thigh. I wonder how high she'll let my hand go?

"Tyler! What the hell is your problem?!" She says angrily as she moves my hand lower.

At least she didn't take it all the way off her thigh. So that's a good sign.

"Sugarplum, you wore my clothes knowing good and well I'd have my hands on you."

Dammit! I sound like some lust crazed fuck boy. Which I'm not. Anymore.

"You know good and well I have no other clothes to wear, and I'm in a bad mood."

Does she have her period? Wait no, she can't. She probably doesn't weigh enough or something like that. I mean, she weighs like a fucking 5lbs.

"How much do you weigh?"

Shit. Why the hell do I blurt out things like that? Damn my fucking manly habits.

"I don't know." She says softly.

I give her tiny boney thigh a gently squeeze.


Now that lunch is over, I have to try and stay in her math class without being spotted by the teacher. So, I bring Rae all the way to the back, and to a table in the corner.

"Why are you coming to this class again?"

"Why not?"

Why not, and there was some fucking guys who didn't know who you belonged to.

Shit, I sound like some possessive boyfriend. But I don't care. They can't talk about fucking her in a Taco Bell's public restroom, without me going all caveman. At least I didn't try to beat them shitless. Which is what I wanted to do.

"Tyler you're acting like a complete douche. Why?"

"Why not?" Holy shit. I'm gonna annoy her! Then she's never going to talk to me again. And then move to a different state. And we'll never see each other again. And she'll kill herself because I wasn't there for her. And I will have been a failure, again. And I'll also be friendless again.

Oh shit. I think I think about Raven too much.

Ya think shithead? You think about her 24/7. You have a serious problem. Or a crush.

No! No, I can't have a crush on her. Can I? Aren't I supposed to be keeping her alive, and not falling for her? Gosh dammit why is she so confusing?!


After school we go to the park. "So, how do you think you did on that test?"

"I don't know? It was kinda hard to concentrate when someone's sticking their hand on your thigh! You know if I get below a B+ I'm in trouble. I can't get below a B+."

Shit! I'm gonna get in so much trouble. She can't get anything below a B+? Now I really really want to kill those fuckers who think they're her parents. I wonder what's better, knocking them out and throwing them in a lake, or just flat out shooting them? Probably throwing them in a lake.

"Why the hell did I go with you yesterday?! I'm already going to be in trouble, but now I'm gonna be in so much more!"

Before I know what's happening, she's sitting on the ground, crying.

Holy shit! What do I do?! She rarely ever cries!I sit down next to her, and pull her into my side.

"It's gonna be fine Rae. And you're always able to come to my place if you think you can't be at home. Just call or text me and I'll come get you. But I bet it's gonna be ok."

I don't think it's going to be ok. She's gonna end up with another neck cut, and hand cuts. I'm also pretty sure she gets cuts on her back too. I wonder where the closest lake is?

"You wanna go back to my place for a little bit? Just until you want to go home?"

She sniffs, hiccups, then nods. I take her backpack for her and we walk hand in hand to my car.


I look down at Raven. She's asleep. She cried almost the whole way to my place, and then she fell asleep for the last 10 minutes or so.

I put both of our backpacks on my shoulders, then pick her up bridal style.

No way I'm waking her up. I carry her to my apartment, and lay her on my bed. I take off her shoes, and put the covers over her. Then go and make some food. I come back, and hop on my bed and turn on the tv.

After a few minutes Raven rolls over, and puts her head on my stomach.

Fuck. She's adorable. What the hell did I do to make her my friend?

Oh right, I followed her around like a fucking stalker. And then told her I'd call cps on her parents if she didn't eat. And now with that threat over her head, she has no choice but to stay around me. I'm such a fucker.

But, I'm a fucker who cares about her and her well being. So sue me for being a caring fucker. I use the f-word too much.

"Tyler, your talking so freaking loud."

Oops. Was I talking out loud.

"Yes. And I agree about you using the f-word too much in your mind."

Holy fuc- fruit loops. How much did she hear?!

"How much did you happen to hear?"

"Fuck. She's adorable. What the hell did I do to make her my friend? Oh right, I followed her around like a fucking stocker... Your mind is very strange Ty."

"Yes, it is indeed."

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