Chapter Thirteen

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Tyler's POV:

Holy shit! Holy shit! HOLY SHIT!!

My lips are on hers. I repeat my lips are on hers.

Do something douche.

Right. I start slowly moving my lips, and so does she.

Gosh. I've kissed a lot of girls. And I wish I could go back and undo all of it. But kissing Raven, oh gosh. It feels like I'm kissing for the first time again.

I don't even know what possessed me to actually kiss her. But I've had this super strong urge to kiss her ever since I picked her up from the park.

That's the thing with people who are suicidal; you literally never know when you're seeing them for the last time. And for some reason, Rae saying about how she never wanted to talk about her time when she was adopted made
me realize how little I actually know about her.

We slowly pull away, and I see Raven's looking as red as a tomato. That by itself was enough to make me smile, but add that to the way she reached up and put her fingers to her lips.

"Why'd you do that?" She asks softly.

"Because I honestly think in the back of my head, each time I say bye to you, you might end up dead the next day. And I'm not putting it off any longer. I, Tyler Bentley Short, like you, Raven whateveryourmiddlenameis Scott."

She smiles her tiny smile.

"My middle names Mira."

"Is that all you got out of that?" I ask.

She pouts, and gosh it makes me wanna kiss her again.

Such a fucker man. I bet she only sees you as a friend. Way to go. Now she's never gonna talk to you again.

"I did get it. I just don't know why you like me. You're you, and I'm me."

I wanna go and slap the people who made her think like that.

"Raven Mira, why, on the whole fucking earth, would you think that you aren't as good as you think I am? Because let me tell you, I'm not some perfect person who deserves everyone. Hell, I don't even deserve you. And you? Gosh you're this little ray of sunshine, as weird as it sounds. Even when you have it so bad, and almost everyone dislikes you, you still manage
to make me smile. And I haven't been happy since my best friend died. You changed me for the better. So don't, for even a second, think that I wouldn't want to like you because you aren't this magnificent person. Which you are by the way. No matter what you look like, Raven, I would still like you. It's your personality. Sure looks got me for a second. But the first day I saw you, four people bullied you. And you let them. I saw that look in your eyes. You didn't have a care in the world. You'd probably be happy if someone where to hold a gun to your head at that moment. But if you just let me show you what life is supposed to be like, I promise you'll reconsider dying young."

Wow. That sounded like some rehearsed  speak. But it wasn't. I did that on the spot. Man, I'm proud of myself.

"I make you happy?" Raven asks with obvious disbelief.

"You make me so happy, I smile in my sleep."

Raven looks down at her folded hands.

"You make my life worth living to some degree." Rae says quietly. "But I've never liked someone. So it's unfair to you, because I don't know what it's like."

"Sugarplums, you don't have to like me back right away. I'll wait for you to decide if you like me or not. I just don't think I could live with myself, if you died, and I never told you that."

My voice cracks the slightest at the end.

Gosh dammit! Why do I feel like crying?! I never cry!

But the thought of Raven dying makes me feel like crying.

"Just give me a few days." Raven says softly.

I nod completely understanding.


I'm just laying on the couch. There's no way I'm gonna be falling asleep tonight. It's already 4am.

"Ty?" I hear someone whisper.


"Yeah, it's me." She whispers softly as I see her figure walking towards me.

"What's up sugarplums?"

Gosh dammit. I really have to stop calling her that.

"Uh, you know, your beds huge. A-and this couch doesn't look too comfortable. I-I totally wouldn't mind if you, ya know, randomly decided to sleep with me. Oh and ah... ilikeyoutoo."

With that she turns around and runs back to my room.

She likes me. Damn. That was fucking quick.

I jump off the couch and, since I'm not some horny idiot, speed walk to my room. Instead of running full speed.

I see Raven's hiding under the covers.


"What is this? Tyler? What are you doing here? Are you randomly deciding that your bed is better than the couch? Whoever put that idea in your mind?"

I chuckle softly as I climb on my bed, and pull the covers over me. With Raven still completely under the covers.


"Yeah Rae?"

"Hypothetically speaking, if I were to, say, not cuddle, but simply lay, next to you. Would you find it weird? This is totally hypothetical by the
way. I'm totally not going to do it."

I bite my tongue as I try to keep from laughing.

"Hypothetically I'd say yes. Obviously."

"Cool cool."

There's some rustling under the blankets, and then I feel Raven laying next to me. So I pull her closer, which she responds to by setting her head on my chest.

"Good thing it was just a hypothetical question." Raven mumbles.

"Yeah. Imagine actually doing that in real life."

"I know! It'd be crazy!"

We both laugh softly into the darkness. I could get used to this.

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