Chapter Thirty-Five

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*April again*

"You lied." He says with such disappointment in his eyes.

"You believed me." I say back. I know he cares, but I can't trust anything right now. Not when my whole life is crumbling.

Tyler exhales heavily and tosses the empty ice cream container into recycling bin.

"I really wanted ice cream Rae!"

"And I wanted it while you were at that stupid job interview! If I couldn't have you, then I could at least have the ice cream."

"But that was my ice cream Rae. You have your chocolate ice cream."

I cross my arms and glare at Tyler.

"Vanilla goes much better with pickles then chocolate."

"In my opinion, neither goes with pickles."

"Your opinion can go screw itself."

Tyler sighs.

I get up from the table and go to our room, and get under the covers.

Tyler's being a jerk about all this. So what if it was his ice cream. That's what happens when you leave a pregnant lady alone. She'll eat your entire stash of food. It's not like he's never been a hungry pregnant lady.

Tyler comes into our bedroom, and I turn to my other side so I'm facing away from him.

Call me petty if you want. But he yelled at me, just because I eat his ice cream. He's acting like a child.


I ignore him.

"I'm sorry. Please don't ignore me."

I still ignore him.

He crawls into bed, and pulls me into him. And I don't want to be so close to him while trying to be mad at him, but I also don't want to be anywhere else. Tyler makes me feels safe. He's the one that got me out of all my shit.

"Ty, did you ever get your closure?"

Back when Tyler first started following me around and being nice to me, I didn't want him around. I couldn't understand he cared. One day, he told me he couldn't let me go. His best friend killed himself. And he said he saw what he saw in his friends eyes, in mine. He said he had to get closure, by keeping me alive. And I had told him he should just leave anyway, because his closure wasn't coming anytime soon. Back then, I didn't have a single reason to stay alive. Now I do.

"Yeah. I got that closure that night when I got you from your parents."

"I'm sorry I ate your ice cream."

"It's fine. Sorry I overreacted."


"Rae, baby, you gotta wake up." Tyler says gently shaking me.

"Why?" I ask as I roll over.

"You have a doctors appointment today, remember? To see if you really are 100% pregnant. And we might get to see an ultrasound too."

I open my eyes, and hold out my arms. And Tyler being the "smart" guy he is, he realizes I want a hug. And he delivered.

"What if I'm not pregnant?"

"We can always have kids Rae."

"You do realize because I was anorexic I'll most likely have complications with the pregnancy. Most girls that were anorexic have trouble getting pregnant in the first place."

"Whatever comes, we can handle it together."

"I love you Ty."

"I love you too Rae."

I groan as I sit up, and feel like laying back down.

But I force myself out of bed, and into a change of clothes. I also force myself to eat breakfast, which wasn't very hard, since I was hungry.

"Alrighty, let's go shall we?" Tyler asks as he wraps an arm around me.

"Yep. Let's go do this."


"Tyler, I can't do this." I whisper.

Tyler looks over at me.

"What do you mean? Nothing's even happened yet."

"Can we leave?" I ask.

Tyler gets up from the chair and hugs me.

"It'll be alright Rae."

I shake my head. Which has a massive headache from all the memories of my childhood flooding everywhere.

"Can we please leave?" I ask again.

"I'm sorry but we can't leave now. Do you want me to sit over here with you?"

I nod my head so hard it makes my headache ten times worse. But I don't care.

The door opens, and Dr. McDowell comes in holding a file.

"Good morning Raven. How are you feeling?"

"Uh... terrified."

"Don't be! You shouldn't have anything to worry about today. Now let's look at the results shall we?" She opens the file, and reads some numbers and stuff. "Well, just as we all thought, you are indeed pregnant. A month and a half along. Actually, would you want a ultrasound today?"

I look over to Tyler, since I could go either way.

"Do you want an ultrasound today Rae?" Tyler asks.

"Do you?"

"Yes, we would love an ultrasound today." Tyler says.

"Ok, if you could just follow me then." Dr. McDowell says as she gets up and leads us out of the small room.

I grab Tyler's hand and hold on for dear life. I really really hate being at the doctors office.

Dr. McDowell has me lay down, and she sticks a skinny wand up... let's just say I'm not pregnant enough for the ultrasound on my stomach.

Tyler holds my hand as we look at the screen.

My heart stops when I see two little snowmen looking blobs.

"Would you look at that! Raven dear, you have twins!"

I look over to Tyler, and just see him staring at the screen where our children are being shown.

Children. We're gonna be having not one, but two babies.

I look back to the screen, and feel tears form in my eyes. Those are our little snowmen.

"You Raven, are a very very lucky girl. Most people like you would have trouble getting pregnant, let alone twins." She hands me a few papers. "Those will tell you all you need to know about twins. Oh, and do you want the ultrasound printed?"

"Yes!" Tyler says.

Dr. McDowell removes the wand, and says we can go to the front desk.


"Twins. What are the odds?"

When Tyler doesn't reply, I look over to him, and see he's looking at the ultrasound photo.


Tyler looks up at me, and grins.

"Twins Rae! I'm gonna be a dad to two little munchkins! And you're gonna be a mom! How did we get so lucky?"

"I don't know."

Tyler hugs me, and we just lay on our bed, hugging each other.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I whisper.

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