Chapter Fourteen

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Raven's POV:

I wake up, and immediately blush when I remember last night. I have no idea what possessed me to tell Tyler I like him, since I've never really liked a person before. But, he sounded so sad when he said he can't imagine a life without me. And then I tried thinking about what life would be like without him, and I didn't even want to. But I bet that if he never came into my life, I'd be dead by now.

"Hey Rae?" I hear Tyler whisper.


"You wanna skip school?"

"I have a test."

"Do you wanna skip school after you do your test?"


"Ok. Also, I'm making you wear my clothes."

I chuckle.



I close my locker, and take a deep breath as I hear Harper coming my way.

"Shrimp, dad wants you to come home tonight."

With that she walks away. Well that's just great. Sike.

I pull out my phone.

Hey Ty, I gotta go home tonight. Go ahead and ditch without me. I'll see
you tomorrow. -Raven

He responds so quickly it honestly makes me scared.

I thought you weren't allowed home. Are you going to be ok?         -Tyler

Yeah I'll be fine. I just have to be at home tonight. -Raven

I will definitely not be fine tonight. My dad wants me home. Shits gonna go down. But Tyler can't know.

Since when have your parents cared if you're home or not? It sounds fishy.

Well, I have a class now. See you tomorrow. -Raven

I power off my phone, since I know Tyler's gonna blow up my phone. I enter my social studies classroom, and sit in the back.

The class is halfway in, when the door bursts open. And there stands Tyler.

"Can I help you Mr. Short?" Ms. Francis asks.

His eyes find mine, and they hold an intensity I've never seen before.

"This isn't the bathroom. Sorry." He shuts the door, and everyone goes back to what they were doing. But me. It was clear. The way he said bathroom. He wants to talk, in the bathroom.

I raise my hand, and ask to go to the bathroom. Thankfully Ms. Francis is stupid and doesn't think of what just happened with Tyler. Not so much the students. But I honestly don't care about them.

I nervously walk down the empty hallways, until I spot Tyler pacing back and fourth right by the bathroom door.

He sees me, and starts walking towards me. And from habit, I take a few steps back.

He grabs my arm, and pushes me into the empty girls bathroom.

"Ok, we both know something is up. You having to be at home, the night after getting temporarily kicked out, and having your parents, it just doesn't add up."

"Really? Because it adds up to me."


"It's fine Ty. Anyway, it's not like you've ever met my parents. You have no right to judge them."

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