Chapter Twelve

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Raven's POV:

I wave bye to Tyler and run behind my house. Then climb the tree leading to the roof. I shut the window behind me, and jump a foot in the air when I see my mom sitting on a chair right by the door.

"Did you forget it's your birthday? Fortunately for you your dad's out. But that means I get to continue the tradition." She pulls out the pocket knife I've come to intensely hate. "Lay down.

I lay face down on my bed.

I  dont know why I thought that if I didn't remember it was my birthday  then maybe other people wouldn't. I mean none of my siblings said  anything. But that's normal for them.

"Take off you shirt dumbass."

I take off Tyler's shirt, and toss it in the corner of my room. My mom takes the tip of the blade, and runs it across my already scabbed and scared back.

"Hmmm... what to do with all this empty space. Oh! I know."

She presses the tip down hard, and starts dragging it across my back in a pattern.

"Now when that scars up, anyone who sees your ugly back, will see that you're an inbreed." She drags the knife across my back a little more, then stands up. "You know the rule. See you next year."

She leaves and shuts my door behind her. I grab my wrap from my backpack and wrap it around my back. Then put on a blood stained shirt, then one of Tyler's hoodies.

I grab my old backpack and packs all of my belongings. Then climb out the window and go to the park.

This  happens every year since I was 12. My dad cuts up my back, then kicks  me out until February. I hate being born in December. It just sucks. I sit on a bench by the parking lot and call Tyler. "Hey, wassup?"

"Uh, I can't walk to school with you tomorrow. So don't come by."

"What's wrong? Are you ok?"

"Nothings wrong. I just won't be able to walk with you to school. Actually I won't be able to until February."

"Ok,  Rae you are kinda scaring me. Your voice is shaky, and you sound like  you're seconds away from a mental breakdown. What happened?"

I take a deep breath.

"There's  this stupid tradition my parents have for a certain day that only comes  once a year, where they kick my out until February. That's all. I'm  honestly fine. The homeless shelter is usually nice around this time of  year."

I hear cars honking horns on Tyler's end. And then a car exhilarating. "Are you at the park?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I'm coming to get you. And you are going to stay with me until you're allowed back home."

"Um, no. Thanks but no thanks."

"It's not up for discussion. You are not going to a fucking homeless shelter because those fuckers don't like you."

I sigh knowing there's no way to talk Tyler out of it.

"So, what is this certain day that only comes once a year? Is it what I think it is?"

"Possibly. Depends on what you think it is."

"Does this certain day that only comes once a year happen to be the day you were born?"

"Quite possibly."

"Those  fuckers! I can't believe they'd do that to their own fucking flesh and  blood. Why choose to have a child, if they can't even fucking raise it  right? Someone really needs to give them a good fucking slap. 'Cause  reality check, you don't do that to a fucking kid!"

"Hey Ty?" I ask cutting off his rant.

"What?" He snaps.

"Well, I was going to say something that you got wrong in your little rant. But I don't wanna say it anymore. So never mind."

"No, go on. Say it."

"It's fine. It doesn't matter anyway."


"Fine.  They chose to not have me. I'm a failed abortion. And so they put me up  for adoption. My adoptive parents went to jail though. Apparently  selling drugs will get you arrested. Anyway, I was forced to go back to  them."

"Can your parents swim well?" Tyler asks. And even though I can't see him, I can tell he's furious.


"Never mind."


Tyler pulls into the parking lot, and we both hang up our phones. I enter his car, and toss both my backpacks into the backseat.

And of course, since I'm a weak feeble little child, I start crying as soon as I sit in the passenger seat.

I have no idea why I've been so freaking emotional the past few weeks. I swear, before Tyler was around I was so tough and I never showed my emotions.

Shit. Tyler's making me soft. Damn him.

"Ok, you're crying." Tyler deadpans.

He scoots his chair all the way back, then pats his lap.

Now, normally I would think it's weird and I wouldn't sit on his lap, but for some reason I climb over the centerpiece and straddle him. Yeah, not weird at all.

He wraps his arms tightly around me, and hums a random tune.

"Sorry if I don't handle you crying well. I'm not used to having people cry. Expect for my little sister. She cries a lot. Anyway, I just thought giving you a hug would help. Is it helping? Gosh I'm a terrible friend."

"Tyler!" I say slapping my hand over his mouth to stop his ranting. "I'm supposed to be the one freaking out. I mean it happens every year, but still. You made me soft, so I'm supposed to be the one who's freaking out. Not you."

"Right. Sorry. Now how about we get some McDonald's on the way back home?"

I nod and climb back to my seat.

And yes, I was very aware that Tyler called his place 'home' like that's where I belong. Which honestly, I think I belong at his place more than I do at mine.


"Hey Rae?"

I look over to Tyler.


"What happened at your adoptive parents house?"

My hand unconsciously move to run my fingers over the scar on my arm.

"Nothing." I say with a very slight shake to my voice.

"Rae don't lie."

"I don't wanna talk about it." I say as I look out the window to try and calm my nerves.

Tyler scoots closer to me on the couch, and wraps an arm around me.

"Someday, you're going to have to tell me."

I lean my head on his shoulder.

"I won't ever tell you. Because I'm never talking about it."

"Was it that bad?"

"Tyler, they went to jail for selling drugs. Nothing good ever happened there."

Tyler sighs as he leans his head on top of my head.

I like this feeling. This feeling of safety. I never have this feeling.

Tyler lifts his head off of mine, and ducks in a nervous breath. I look at him, right as he presses his lips to mine.

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