The Emergency (Fearr)

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  ~ Preview ~
She left with Chat and kissed one last time and waved goodbye to each other. When Marinette and Chat separated ways she ran to her car and drove to Alya's apartment.

~ continuation ~
As Marinette parked her car in front of Alya's apartment, she ran out of her car and went to the fifth floor. She saw Alya's door open, as she knocked two times and went inside Marinette's faced dropped when she saw Alya tied up to a chair with her hands and legs tied up and her mouth covered. 

She quickly dropped her things and ran to help Alya. As she removed the tape from Alya's mouth "Marinette move!" Alya shouted. When Marinette looked back and saw a girl and the first thing she saw was a chair whacked on her head that made her pass out.

 Alya screamed and cried while seeing Marinette getting dragged with blood dripping out of her head. She tied her up on the bed and left her there. She went out of the room and went to Alya.

 "I am Fearr! I was brought by Hawk Moth and you will come with me!" She laughed with a devilish grin. "I will not join you! Ladybug and Chat Noir will come and save Paris!" Alya screamed with tears falling from her eyes.

 "If you don't join me I will turn your biggest fear into reality!" Alya refused so Fearr got her and got her fear. "Oh, I see your fear is losing your boyfriend Nino! I wonder what will happen to him..." Alya cried "fine I'll join you but don't hurt him or Marinette." "Deal!" Fearr untied Alya and left her place.

As soon as Fearr stepped out of Alya's apartment with Alya on her side. Her hands were still tied "wait what about Marinette I can't leave her like that with all the blood dripping down her face!" Alya said with her voice breaking down. Fearr ignored her and started to turn people into their fear. She turned Chole into a beggar and turned the people she saw on the way.

After the goodbye kiss Chat used his staff to bring him home. As he went through his room's window he heard a knock on his door. He quickly de transformed into his civilian self which is Adrien.

 He ran and opened the door to his bodyguard just checking upon him. "Oh hi Gorilla! Anything wrong?" Gorilla just looked at him and closed the door. Adrien smiled and gave Plagg a piece of Camembert. 

"Plagg what do I do?!? I thought I only love Ladybug but after that kiss from Marinette I can't stop thinking about her!" Adrien said stressing out. "Ohh please just use your blonde head, Adrien!" Plagg said as he's eating his Camembert. Adrien looked at Plagg with a confused face.

 "What do you mean Plagg I am using my head I'm trying to chose who to love! Ladybug or Marinette?!?" Plagg rolled his eyes and flew on Adrien's shoulder. "Adrien Adrien Adrien don't you see the similarities of Ladybug and Marinette! The hair, her voice?!?"

 Adrien's eyes opened and said, "are you trying to tell me that Marinette is ladybug?!?" Plagg eyes widened he flew far away from Adrien "Shoot what have I done if Tikki finds out that I kinda told Adrien and made him use his head that Ladybug is Marinette she's going to kill me!" Plagg flew back and said "No no u-umm it's n-not" Adrien hugged Plagg and thanked him over and over again! 

"He ran to the drawer and gave Plagg a whole Camembert! He got up and placed Plagg into his side pocket located on his jacket. "Where are we going, Adrien?" Plagg asked while enjoying his Camembert.

 "I'm going to see Marinette and tell her how I feel!" Plagg covered his face "oh please don't tell her sugarcube will kill me!" Adrien stopped and looked at Plagg "who's sugarcube?" Plagg realized what he said and got more anxious. 

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