Gender and Baby Shopping

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~ Preview ~

As Adrien closed his phone he saw Marinette looking down with tears in her eyes, "aww no princess don't cry, I'LL KILL THAT MF LILA, If she says anything wrong to you or does anything bad to you and our little kitten, I'm going to tell our lawyer about this bitch." Adrien said while comforting Marinette, Marinette smiled and hugged Adrien, "Ok kitty I'll tell you right away when Lila bothers me or our little kitten." Adrien smiled and kissed Marinette and their little kitten and hugged Marinette to sleep. 

~ Continuation ~

Background of the story: It has been five months of Marinette's pregnancy, and as it was announced the very next day after Adrien found out that she was pregnant on father's day, It blew up the whole news in Paris then to the whole world. Everyone was excited to know the baby's gender, especially the grandparents of the little kitten, Tom, Sabine, and Gabriel. They helped Adrien and Marinette fix the baby's room, they added the crib, the closet, and more, but they will add more stuff when they get to know the gender of the little kitten. Sabine would always visit Marinette to work and sometimes help her make the clothes and design them. 


Marinette woke up seeing Adrien kissing her bulging belly and doing baby talk to their little kitten, "Good morning princess, and good morning little kitten, I love you both so much and mommy and daddy can't wait to see you! I can't wait to know the gender of our little kitten!" Adrien said while gently kissing and massaging Marinette's belly, "good morning Love, haha yes me too I can't wait to know the gender of our little kitten!" As Adrien saw Marinette standing up, he quickly went by her side and helped her get out of bed. 

"Love, Dr. Lilly said that our appointment for knowing the gender of our little kitten is at nine in the morning, so we have to get ready by then, then Nathalie said we both have a meeting with Felix, Mr. Smith, and father for the upcoming fashion dressing line and you'll be modeling the clothes I made!" Marinette said while getting a glass of water, Adrien smiled and made Marinette some breakfast. "Ok princess thank you for telling me, but please don't get yourself tired, alright?" Marinette smiled and kissed Adrien to get ready for the doctor's appointment. 

As they were all done getting dressed, Adrien helped Marinette carry her bag and drove off to the clinic. As they were on the road Marinette scream a little and Adrien quickly stopped the car and asked Marinette what's wrong in a worried tone. Marinette giggled and grabbed Adrien's hand and placed it on her belly, "Love our little Kitten just kicked me so hard for the first time!" Adrien smiled and felt the kick and started to laugh. Adrien then parked the car and helped Marinette out of the car and entered the clinic. 

As they entered the clinic, Adrien told Marinette to sit and wait while he looks for Dr. Lilly, As Marinette sat down a kind old lady sat right next to her and had a small chat with her, "Hi Mrs. Agreste, sorry for bothering you but may I sit right next to you since nobody wants to." Marinette smiled and said "Sure you can sit right next to me! Anyways I have no one to talk to since my husband is looking for the doctor and he told me to wait here, so I'm glad I can talk to someone." The old lady smiled and boh started to have a chat. 

After mins of talking, Adrien went towards Marinette and saw her smiling and talking to an old lady, "Hi, may I quickly talk to my princess?" Adrien asked while scratching his neck, "Sure of course sorry for the bother." The old lady then moved one seat away from Marinette so Adrien could talk to his wife. "Thank you so much! Princess, Dr. Lilly said that she will call us in a bit and she wants you to fill up these forms."  Adrien said while giving her the papers and the pen. "Thanks, love, by the way, this is Ms. Z! She gave me company while you were out for a bit," Marinette said while answering the questions on the paper. 

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