I Do

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(Pictures of the flower girl's gown, the bride's maid's gown, the wedding cakes, and the invitation)

❗ Sexual Content Ahead ❗

~ Continuation ~ 


" Ok, we only have two hours till the ceremony starts, James go check on the photographers, the makeup artists, and the musicians if they have arrived so we can help them set up their stuff," Jenna said while reading through her lists. "OK ms. Jenna, everyone is here, should I bring the makeup artist to the bride's room and the other room so the bride's maid?" James asked, "Yes bring her to Ms. Dupain Cheng's room so she can do her makeup and also her mom in room 375, while one to the other one bring it to room 376 so she can do the bride's maid's makeup." 

As James was bringing them to the rooms, Jenna ran over to Jane and asked to drive to the reception and check if everything is there and alright while she helps them set up the walkway and the gust lists. 

*knocking on the door of Marinette's room* "Hello, Ms. Dupain Cheng, I was brought by Jenna and I will be doing your makeup and your mom's, you can call me Maya." "Oh it's nice to meet you, Maya, please come in, my mom and I already set up the place for you," Marinette said while closing the door and leading her to the vanity table. "Hello, you must be our makeup artist! I'm Sabine Marinette's mom." Maya smiled and hugged Sabine. 

After Maya finished the makeup and hair of Sabine, she then started to do Marinette's makeup and hair. Sabine opened the door to receive Marinette's wedding gown. "Thank you so much have a good day!" Sabine said while closing the door, "Marinette sweetie your gown has arrived oh and it has a letter from Mr. Agreste, do you want me to read it?" Sabine asked while hanging the wedding gown, "Sure mom." 

"Dear Marinette..." but before she read the letter, Alya ran inside and started to take pictures of Marinette, "Hey girl, you look so beautiful and also you Ms, Dupain Cheng!" Alya then started to chat with Marinette while Marinette had her hair fixed, "Girl this gone is so pretty! I love how it's off shoulders! I'm done having my make-up and hair done and damn they are so good!" Alya said while sitting next to Marinette. 

"Ok Ms. Dupain Cheng I'm done with your makeup and hair, I'll get going to help my partner in the other room while you get dressed, as soon as Maya left the room, the photographers started to video and take pictures of Marinette for their wedding videos. So after a few mins taking videos and pictures of Marinette, Alya and Saine helped her wear her wedding gown. "Holy shit Marinette you look so amazing!" Alya said while zipping Marinette's back. "She's right dear you look so pretty!" Sabine said while trying to contain her tears. "Oh, mom don't cry you'll make me cry too," Marinette said while hugging Sabine. 


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