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~ Preview ~

"Wow, it's so cool seeing you transform beside me!" Chat Noir said while using his baton to go through the roofs of the people. "hahaha yes kitty it has been a while! I miss doing this, to be honest. Hahaha, hey, wait up kitty" Ladybug said while swinging her yoyo to catch up with Chat. Chat laughed and went faster until they saw Crasher. 

❗ Sexual Content Ahead ❗

~ Continuation ~

As they both his behind the chimney, Crasher was turning people into stone. "Damn who would get mad this early!" Chat Noir said while looking at Ladybug. "Well, maybe this person spilled hot coffee on herself! hahaha!" As Ladybug and Chat Noir went closer to Crasher, Ladybug told Chat Noir. "The Akuma must be in her bracelet since that's where her powers are being used." 

Ladybug then jumps and hits Crasher on her belly, Chat Noir then uses his baton to trip Crasher. "Ladybug and Chat Noir it has been a long time, If you don't want me to turn everyone into stone just hand me you Miraculous!" 

Crasher then stands up and turns the whole building into stone then throws it at them. "I will turn Marinette into stone so Adrien and I will be together at last!" Ladybug and Chat Noir looked at each other and said "LILA!"  

"I am not Lila anymore! I should know as Crasher!" Crasher then turns into ashes and quickly teleports to the Agreste mansion. "Marinette where the fuck are you!" Ladybug then uses her lucky charm and she gets a mirror, Chat Noir then jumps and prepares his cataclysm. 

As Crasher was turning everything around her into stone, Hawkmoth said "If you don't get me those miraculous I will remove your power!" Crasher then stands up and teleported to the Eiffel tower. "Ladybug where are you and your useless cat!" Chat Noir then appeared and cataclysm the floor, Crasher then falls and as she sees Ladybug she hits her but then Ladybug uses her lucky charm to defend herself. 

Ladybug brought out the mirror and used it as a shield and as it hits the mirror it bounces back and turned Crasher into stone. Ladybug ran and kissed Chat, but then she fell into the arms of Chat. Chat's face dropped seeing Ladybug coughed blood out of her mouth. "Ouch Chat my belly!" Ladybug said as she hides the wound. Chat started to cry and he didn't know what to do, Ladybug carefully stood up and de-evilize the butterfly and threw the lucky charm up in the air.

Chat quickly carried Ladybug, left Lila lying on the ground, transformed in a close-by ally, and held her in his arms. "SHIT SHIT SHIT Marinette stay with me!" Adrien said with tears falling from his eyes, Plagg held Tikki and asked Adrien what to do. As he carefully puts Marinnette not eh ground he lifts her hand and sees a lot of blood, pouring out. 

He lifts her shirt and sees a glass that cut her open when Crasher blasted her powers towards Marinette as Ladybug. He stood up and carried Marinette and brought her to the nearest hospital. "Hi my wife go hit by Crasher, her name is Marinette Agreste..." Adrien said in a quiet tone. As the nurse looks at them her eyes widen and bring them to a separate room. As Adrien holds Marinette's hand going through the halls, they told him to stay here and wait for her in the family's room.

 After a few mins, a nurse came in the room and told Adrien that his wife is all good and she's resting now, He stood up and walked into the room where Marinette was placed.  As he entered he ran and kissed Marinette's hand and stayed by her side, After a few hours Marinette woke up to see Adrien sleeping right beside her. 

She smiled and tried to sit up, as she stood up she could feel the pain on her lower left rib, as she looked she had a medium size cut with a bandage on. She then stood up to use the restroom, After using the restroom, as she opened the door to see Adrien leaning against the wall and hugged Marinette. "Princess I'm glad your safe," Adrien said while breaking the hug. Marinette smiled and kissed Adrien, "where's Tikki?!" Marinette asked while getting changed into her clothes.

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