The Baby Is Coming

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~ Preview ~

As they all gather at the table and started to eat, they also had a lot of tea to tell them like "Lila didn't show up from last week's event was because she got pregnant by her manager since she was being punished." or "Lila didn't even show or try to come in the party was because she was scared and had nothing else to do." Alya and Nino told them that those are the rumors right now. Then all of them started to laugh. 

~ Continuation ~


"Thank you so much, Dr. Lilly." Adrien and Marinette said while leaving the clinic, as they went in the car Marinette smiled and looked at Adrien, "Love, I can't wait to meet our little kitten, so when we go home we have to do what Dr, Lilly said!" Marinette said while watching Adrien kiss her baby bump, "Sure will do princess when you were asleep I didn't want to wake you up, so I already fixed the maternity bag! I packed baby clothes diapers, and more!" Marinette giggled and said, "aww love, thank you so much but why didn't you wake me up I could have helped you know!" Marinette said.  

"Nah it's all good princess, I didn't want to wake you up since you don't really have that much sleep every night cause of Hugo kicking you and keeping you awake, so when you were sleeping in the morning or the afternoon for the past few days I have been doing the baby stuff!" Adrien said while parking the car, Marinette smiled and went inside the house with Adrien. As they both changed and got ready to go to work, Adrien kissed Marinette and said before leaving, "Princess father and I talked about my work and yous, he said he lessened the orders or designs from the other business since your about to give birth, I even changed my schedule, for now, I'll be gone for a couple of hours." 

Marinette slowly stood up, Adrien quickly ran to help her up and she kissed him and said, "don't go home late ok! I might go with Gorilla to Alya's place to visit the twins, I also have to fit them with the clothes Alya ordered so if anything happens you know where I am." Adrien smiled and said, "Princess we have talked about this, I know you love your work and making clothes but you have to rest, please I don't want to see you tired of working too hard, I can just call Alya to bring the twins here, so you don't leave, anyways it's Alya she'll understand Princess." Adrien said while kissing the baby bump and kissing Marinette and left the house. 

Marinette then slowly got up with the help of Tikki and called Alya. "Hey Alya, I was wondering if you can just bring the twins here, Adrien told me that he doesn't want me to get tired or leave the house since I can give birth to Hugo next week, so is It fine if you bring them here?" Marinette asked while getting the clothes of the twins. "Hell yea girl I'll bring the twins there, but Nino can't join since he has to work with his new songs, so it'll just be me and the twins and I also can't wait to see the clothes you made! I already paid by the way." Alya then says goodbye to Marinette and tells her she'll be there in thirty mins. 

As Marinette ended the call she quickly went to her office room and gave some finishing touch for the twin's outfit, after a few mins of finishing the design of the clothes Marinette made for the twins, she heard a knock and voice saying "girl I'm here with Nelson and Anika!" Marinette quickly stood up and opened the door and gave Alya and the twins a big hug! "Hii Nelson and Anika, It's so nice seeing you babies again and I can't wait for you guys to play with Hugo!" Marinette then gave them a seat and showed Alya the clothes she finished. 

"Here you go, like you requested a turtle onesie and a fox onesie!" Marinette then handed over the clothes to Alya and she quickly made the twins wear them. "OH MY GOSH! Marinette it looks sooo cute! Thank you so much, your the best friend of all ages! I love it thank you!" Alya said while taking pictures of them with their favorite stuffed animal. "haha I'm glad you like them! I made Hugo a black cat onesie and I'll make him wear it when we're going to bring him home!" Marinette said while watching Alya take pictures of them. 

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