Graduated College

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Marinette blushed also Adrien and Adrien kissed her Marinette's hand and said soon then he winked. As they were walking back to the apartment, they didn't know that someone was following them and that someone was Max. Max saw everything and planned for something big for Marinette.

❗️Sexual Content Ahead ❗️

As the four reached their apartment, Marinette and Alya hugged goodnight while Adrien and Nino did their goodbye handshake. "Good night Alya and Nino!" Marinette said and closed the door. As Marinette removed her shoes she ran and cuddled with Adrien next to the fireplace.

Max's POV:
Max secretly followed them to where they lived. Max's head "Max you should stop this is like trespassing! But to love her and you need to be with her." Max then ran to the exit door and went through the window and jumped into the balcony of Adrien and Marinette's. As he got in the secretly hid behind the chair and stayed there for a couple of mins watching Marinette and Adrien.

Marinette's and Adrien's POV:
"Ok, Kitty I'm going to finish my dress for the Disco event that's due in three days. I'm also glad that Ms. Miller made me work alone since I don't feel that comfortable with Max." Marinette said while sewing the dress out. Adrien smiled and placed down the glass of wine and helped Marinette with the dress.

(Max could hear and see everything btw)

As Adrien helped Marinette out with her dress, Marinette accidentally pricked herself with a needle. "Shit!" Marinette said while waving her hand to release the pain. Adrien grabbed her hand and sucked the blood out. "Haha, Kitty stop it it stings!" Marinette said while giggling. Adrien stopped and ran to get a bandage "here you go, princess." Adrien said while wrapping the bandage around her finger.

After a few mins of seeing the dress..."I am almost done! Babe, can you please pass the boxes of ribbons on your left please." Marinette asked while measuring her hips.

Max's POV: (in his head)
"Ohh damn they live in the most wealthy apartment in New York. I didn't know that's how rich Adrien is." Max then brought out his phone and searched more about the business of Adrien.

"Adrien Agreste is dating one of the prettiest girls in the world," Max said while reading the different websites about him and his life. Max closed his phone and saw Marinette bending down on Adrien and started to kiss his neck.

"NO! Marinette should do that to me, not to this man who's using her!" Max said under his breath while trying to resist his anger rising.

Marinette and Adrien's POV:
In Marinette's mind "Damn Adrien looks so hot from that angle. Why the hell do I feel like this. I want him on me. I want his body touching my bare skin." Marinette said while staring at the blue. Adrien saw Marinette and sat next to her. "Princess are you ok? You seem a little bit off?" Adrien said while fixing her hair.

Marinette then pushed Adrien on the couch and started to slowly kiss his neck. "Ohh Marinette are you sure you want to do this like right now you haven't finished your dress." He gets cut off when Marinette started to kiss his lips passionately. Adrien stopped taking and went with the flow.

Adrien started to unbutton his suit and threw it on the ground which left his whole chest bare showing his 6 packs abs which made Marinette even hornier. "Damn Kitty, have you been working out lately?" Marinette said while unzipping her dress. Adrien smiled and flipped her back to the couch.

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