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~ Preview ~

As they landed in Paris Gorilla was already standing there waiting for Adrien and Marinette. As they stepped out of the plane around 50 news reporters and paparazzi tried to ask Adrien and Marinette for some questions or for pictures.

But Marinette overheard a question and saw a picture from her phone that blew up the whole internet as she opened her phone she saw a nice picture of her helping and hugging a little boy. She showed Adrien and Adrien also looked shocked.

~ continuation ~

After Marinette and Adrien walked away from the news reporters and paparazzi. They both ran inside the Limo of Adrien and drive off. Marinette looked confused and asked Adrien if he's the one who took the picture of her helping the little boy.

Well for Marinette it wasn't a big deal since she just wanted to help him but she wasn't expecting it to blow up the whole internet like that. Except for her dating Adrien and telling the world that they are officiating Dating.

Adrien took Marinette's hand and told her everything will be just fine. Adrien smiled and kissed Marinette on her forehead. Marinette looked at Adrien and asked what time she will go to his place to have dinner with his dad.

Adrien looked shocked and he completely forgot about his father coming home tomorrow afternoon. Adrien started to plan everything out like he will ask his personal chef to make his dad's favourite meal and a Marinette's favourite meal so all of them can feel comfortable.

He told Gorilla to bring Marinette home so she can rest and spend some time with her parents while Adrien started to plan for tomorrows dinner.

As Gorilla stooped in front of Marinette's shop, Adrien helped to bring her bags up and said while kissing her cheek "See you later for patrol princess." Marinette blushed and gave Adrien a hug and walked inside.

"Mom! Papa! I'm home!" Marinette said while giving them a hug. "Marinette we missed you so much!" Tom said while breaking the hug and finishing the bread he's making. "Marinette your dad and I saw all your posts from Instagram and wow Maldives is such a wonderful place!" Sabine said while washing the used dishes.

"Yes, mom it was really fun spending time with Adrien and doing fun activities with him! I'm so lucky to have him!" Marinette said while unpacking her things.

Marinette then told her parents she'll be having dinner more with Adrien in his place so he can introduce me to his father. Sabine and Tom smiled and asked Marinette if she can also invite Adrine over for tomorrow's lunch.

"Sure I'll tell him when I'm done fixing up and unpacking!" Marinette said with a big smile on her face and ran up to her room and closed the trapdoor.

"Tikki you can come out now no one's here!" Tikki flew out and went on Marinette's desk to look for a cookie. "Marinette you know you have patrol in 5 mins." Tikki said while taking a bite o fher cookie.

"Oh shoot yea I completely forgot!" Marinette said while unpacking her stuff. Marinette quickly placed all the dirty clothesin the washing machine and placed back all the stuff in the toilet and hid her liggages away.

"Tikki spots on! ahhh!" As she's done transforming she swung her yoyo and went to the hangout place to wait for Chat Noir. As she landed on the rooftop she saw Chat sitting down while watching the sunset. "Hey kitty missing me already?" Ladybug said and gave Chat a kiss.

"Hey bugaboo you're just in time to watch the sunset with me!" Chat Noir said while brushing his hands through her hair. "Kitty?" Ladybug said while resting her head on his shoulder. Cat Noir looked at her and asked what's wrong.

"Nothing's wrong kitty it's just that my mom and dad wants to invite you over for tommorows lunch and I was wondering if your free to come and have lunch with us." Ladybug said while scratching her neck.

"Sure princess i'm all free tomorrow but on 2 oclcok I'll have a photo shoot and I was wondering if you would want to model the clothes my dad just designed with me!" Chat Noir said with a big smile on his face. "REALLY I GET TO MODEL THE CLOTHES YOUR DAD DESIGNED! THIS IS A DREAM VOME TRUE!" Ladybug said while jumping up an down in circles.

Chat Nir giggled and loved seeing her happy. "Yes unless you don't want to." Chat said while giving her a smirking face. Ladybug stopped an kissed Chat "YES YES YES I WOULD LOVE TO MODEL THE CLOTHES YOUR DAD MADE!" Ladybug said out loud with excitement.

"Ok then princess I'll tell them you said yes. I also told my father about you an dhe said he can't wait to meet you for tomorrows dinner." Chat said and hugged Ladybug. As they were about to kiss Ladybug's earrings and Chat's ring started to blink.

"Well it' getting late Chat and my parents might be looking for me. I'll see you tomorrow at 11am for tomorrow lunch?" Ladybug says as she pulls out her yoyo. "Yes bugaboo I'll see you tomorrow 11am sharp." Chat said with a wink.

Ladybug gave Chat one last kiss. "Bug out!" She jumped off the roof and swung her yoyo up and down the roof. Chat just sitting there watching her leave with a blush on his face. He stood up and went to the opposite direction to go home.

"Plagg claws in." As he detransforms he runs to take a quick shower and looks for a nice casual outfit for tomorrows lunch. He wants to show up in a good gentleman attire to impress Marinette's parents.

"Adrien slow down your gonna make me puke this camembeart out!" PLagg said while eating his cheese. "Plagg I need your help should I wear a suit tomorrow?" Adrien said while looking through his clothes. On the side of Marinette she quickly detransforms and runs to the shower an dtakes a nice warm bath.

As she gets out just intime her parents calls her down for dinner. "Mom! papa! i'm coming just give me a few seconds!" As Marinette changes to her sleeping clothes and give Tikki a strawberry flavored macarron.

Tikki while I have my dinner please help pick out a nice casual attire for my lunch date with Adrien and my outfit for tommorows dinner! I want to look pretty and stunning infront of Adrien's dad!" Marinette said while putting her hair up in a bun. "Sure Marinette I would love to!" Tikki gave marinette a hug and started to look through her clothes.

"Hi mom! papa! Sorry I guessed I overslept." Marinette said while sitting on the table with her parents. "No swettie were sorry for bothering you. So Marinette what did Adrien say can he have lunch tomorrow with us?" Tom said with a smile. "Yes papa he said he's coming here and he invited me to model his dad's new outfits!" Marinette said with excitement.

"That's good honey i'mso happy that your dreams are coming true!" Sabine said while passing the food to Marinette. As they were all done eating dinner Marinette kissed her parents and went up her room to check on Tikki.

"Tikki i'm back so any outfits so far?" Marinette asked while getting her sketchbook to finish the designs for her last school project for the school year. "Yes Marinette I have one for your lunch date an done nice and simple outfit for your dinner date with the family of Adrien.

Marinette gave Tikki a hug and told Tikki how excited she was for tommorws activities. As she was about to go to sleep she gets a message from Adrien.

(Text messages)

Kitty ❤️- Hey purrincess I can't wait to see you tomorrow! I bet you'll look gorgeous! 🥰

Princess 👑 - Hii Kitty me too I can't wait to see you and meet your father! I love you Kitty! 😘

Kitty ❤️- I love you too purrincess. Good nightt! ❤️

Princess 👑 - Good night Kitty! ❤️

(Hii :) I know this chapter was kind of boring to read. That's why I made it short. Thank you so much for the readers out there!)

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