Our First not so Good Date

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As she went back to her room she saw Alya peacefully sleeping. So she quietly got some new clothes and took a quick shower before going to bed.

~ continuation ~

As Marinette woke up to the birds chirping and the sunlight hitting against her face she saw Alya using her phone. 

"Good morning Alya! How was your sleep?" Marinette said while stretching. "It was so good!" Alya said while putting her phone away and hugged Marinette thanking her for allowing them to have a sleepover. 

Marinette looked at the time and shouted we're going to be late! Marinette quickly went down her ladder and started to pick out the clothes she's going to wear for school. "Alya, why aren't you rushing? Is anything wrong" Marinette said while brushing her teeth. 

"hahaha, girl weren't you paying attention to class yesterday?" Alya said with a smirk. "uh no why?" while Marinette stopped and placed all her things down. Alya looked at Marinette and started to laugh. Marinette got annoyed and threw her shirt on Alya. "Alya just tell me what Ms. Bustier said in class yesterday so we can all have breakfast!" 

"hahaha, ok girl relax. Classes were cancelled for the whole week since all teacher in College Francoise Dupont had to go and help the other schools across Paris." Marinette sigh in relief. She heard her mom shout below her trapdoor and said breakfast was ready!  

Alya ran down as fast as she could before Marinette sat down first! Alya was excited to eat breakfast since their bread and pastries are very delicious. 

As Marinette and Alya were done eating breakfast they both thanked Marinette's parents for preparing breakfast then went to Marinette's room. Alya got a call from Nino asking how she was and asked if they both wanted to hang out later and see a movie? 

Alya replied with sure babe I'll tell Marinette about our plans for today and also she can hang out with Adrien while we go on our movie date. As Alya hung up the phone she told Marinette everything and her plans with Nino and what they are going to do.

"oh, that sounds fun! at least I can spend time with Adrien! He told me to go to the park after Lunch cause he has a surprise for me!" Alya hugged Marinette and said goodbye. 

As Alya left she called Tikki out and said the cost is clear no one but me will see you. Tikki flew and hugged Marinette. "What do you want to do in the morning Marinette?" Tikki asked while sitting on her shoulder. 

"I was thinking to make you some new outfits like maybe a new dress so you can show it Plagg when Adrien and I go on our dates!" Marinette said with a smile.

"Sure! Can you make me a dress with cookie patterns on it?" Tikki asked with excitement. Marinette nodded her head and gave Tikki a hug. 

After hours of sewing and laughing, Marinette received a message from Adrien. 

"Hey princess it's 11 am and I'm almost done with my surprise! I'll pick you up in an hour! See you later and I love you" Marinette replied with "I can't wait Kitty see you later!" 

Marinette told her parents that she's going to see Adrien and will be out for a couple of hours and will be home around dinner time. "ok darling just come home safe and tell us if you're still going to have dinner with us." Sabine said and gave Marinette a kiss on her forehead. 

"Will sure do mom and papa!" Marinette ran up her room and told Tikki to fit the dress she made. "Wow, Marinette it fits perfectly! Can I wear this to your meet-up with Adrien later so I can show Plagg!" Tikki asked with excitement. "Sure Tikki," Marinette said while looking for a nice casual outift. 

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