She Said

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~ Preview ~ 

"Adrien are you even listening to me!" Tikki then pulled Plagg and told him "both of them are asleep! Can't you see?" Tikki said while closing the laptop, Plagg, and Tikki flew right next to them and placed a blanket over them and all of them fell asleep. 

~ Continuation ~ 

"Adrien's phone ringing nonstop for the past 5 mins" 

Marinette quietly gets up to answer the phone "Um hello? Who's this" Marinette said with a sleepy voice, "Oh hi Marinette, u-um this is Nino, sorry for bothering you guys but may I quickly talk to Adrien?" Nino asked with a shaky voice, "Oh um he's asleep right now but maybe when he wakes up I can tell him to call you back? Is that ok and it's 6 am, you boys don't wake up this early is there a problem?."  Marinette said with a curious tone. 

"Oh um, i-it's, I j-just needed to u-um ask him something b-but it's ok, yea just tell him I called, hehe," Nino said but before he ended the call "Nino is this for the event later? Adrien said this is for a special? or important event if it's really important I can wake him up for you." "N-no no it's fine just go back to bed, sorry for bothering you guys just tell him I called ok?" Nino said with a shaky tone. "Oh um ok sure I'll tell him that you called, Well see you later and tell Alya I said Hi!" Marinette then ends the call and goes back to sleep. 

When it was 8 am Marinette and Adrien both woke up and greeted each other good morning and I love you. "Oh, yeah babe Nino called you nonstop and awhile ago and it sounded like it was really important but then when I told him you were still asleep, his voice changed and started to stutter is everything ok?" Adrien turned red and said, "Oh n-no everything's just fine it might be for the event later, I should go call him and check on him, may I  excuse myself, princess?" 

Marinette smiled and nodded her head "Sure babe I'll just take a quick shower then finish the dresses since I'm almost done, oh and yea Alya and I were going to hang out and I'll be wearing the dress you gave me. She said that you told her you're going to pick me up for the event, so I'll message you where we are." Marinette then stood up, kissed Adrien's nose, and walked into the bathroom. 

As Adrien watched Marinette walk inside the bathroom and heard the lock he quickly greeted Tikki and Plagg and fed them then called Alya. "Hello, Alya speaking." "Alya this is Adrien, Marinette told me you guys are going to hang out?" "Hahaha, yea didn't Nino tell you awhile ago? Cause I told him to call you since something happened, but it's not really bad" Alya asked with a curious tone. 

"No actually it was Marinette who answered his call since we both were asleep and she was the one who managed to pick it up, But she sounds so clueless on what's going to happen so I don't think Nino told her anything," Adrien said, Alya then told Adrien "Oh ok so I reserved the whole park for you with the best view, the only problem is the chef who you asked to cook your dinner had a family problem, so he could make it for the proposal you planned. So I thought of giving you more time to look for one then I'll help distract Marinette for a while" 

Adrien thanked Alya and told her that he needed to go, "and Alya don't bring her near the Eiffel tower I don't want her to see what we're setting up." But before he could finish to what he was going to tell Alya, Marinette opened the door and Adrien quickly ended the call. "Hey, babe how was the call with Nino is everything fine?" Marinette asked while drying her hair, "Yea everything's fine." Adrien said with a smile on his face.

"Ok kitty, just call m when you need any help and I left you a nice warm towel on the sink counter so you can have a nice morning bath." Adrien kissed Marinette and walked into the bathroom, as he locked the door he received a message from Nino saying...

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