Preparation For The Wedding

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~ Preview ~ 

Then before they were about to sleep, Gabriel knocked on the door and went inside the room of Adrien, "Hi son, hello Marinette may I talk to you guys for a minute?" Marinette and Adrien smiled and let Gabriel talk to them, "I just wanted to say I'm so happy for you both and I can't wait to be a grandpa!" Gabriel, Marinette, and Adrien started to laugh and it all ended with a hug.

~ Continuation ~

As Adrien woke up to the sound of Marinette playing his piano, he quietly got up and sneaked behind her and gave her a good morning's kiss. "Good morning Princess, you never told me you play the piano?!" Adrien said with a shocked tone. "Hahaha yes I kind of play the piano, but I'm not as good as you are!" Marinette said with a giggle, "Marinette, Adrien breakfast is ready, Mr. Agreste wants to have you both down from breakfast." Nathalie said while slightly opening the door. "thanks Nathalie Marinette and I will be down in a min." 

As Marinette and Adrien joined Gabriel for breakfast, he handed them a document "Good morning son and daughter, I have already assigned and looked for a host for your wedding, and she works with Chloe. Her name is Jenna, she will come over today to ask you what you want your wedding to look like." Gabriel said while sipping his coffee.

"Oh wow, thanks father but you didn't have to." Marinette said while looking at Adrien, "Yea father well thank you for helping but we already found the chef who's going to cook for our wedding, his name is Dean, he cooked our dinner last night and it was amazing!" Adrien said while holding Marinette's hand. 

"Oh ok, but that's a chef and this is the host like the one who organizes the wedding and all but don't worry you guys still design the invitations, the guest list, cake, and more she's just there to help you manage them. So you both have to give her all the contacts of the things you want for your wedding so she can help you." Marinette and Adrien smiled and told Gabriel all their plans for their wedding. 

"So father, Marinette, and I were planning to make it big but simple, well we will invite the owners of the brand Gucci, Chanel, and more!" Adrien said while eating his breakfast. "Of course somewhere going to invite them I already told them about your wedding plan and told them that they will be invited." "Oh, that was fast but ok! I want the reception to be in a nice garden and for the even I want it to be in a big event room!" Marinette said while looking at her phone for some example so Gabriel and Adrien have a clue of what she wants it to look like. 

After Marinette showed them the ideas she and Adrien were planning for their wedding, Gabriel really liked the idea about the reception be in the garden and the event will be held in a huge event room, "I'm glad you like them father, Marinette planned most of it and she just told me and asked me if I liked it and yes I do love it!" Adrien said while helping Marinette explain. "It's really nice, you really do have an eye of an artist and a fashion designer Marinette," Gabriel said while smiling at both of them.

"She was the gifted father!" Adrien said Marinette smiled and kissed him, "So father, about the cake and the pastries, I'm going to ask my parents to make it!" Marinette said with a big smile on her face, "Yea sure I really love their baking!" Gabriel said while looking at the cake designs Marinette's parents can do.

As they were all done having breakfast and planning on what to do, Marinette and Adrien got dressed to meet up with Jenna and Chloe. As they both got into the car Gorilla drove them to the office of Chloe, "Wow babe, I didn't know Chloe owned a party host and planner business, I never knew she was into these kinds of stuff." Marinette said while reading through the document of Chloe's business. 

Adrien smiled and said "Yea princess, she always enjoyed hosting parties and she told me she always wanted to own a business like this and she said that when I get married she'll be the one to help us manage it and plan it!" Marinette smiled and walked out of the car to Adrien to meet Chloe and Jenna. 

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