I'm Dating...

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As the four friends went out of the school Adrien's bodyguard told Adrien that his photoshoot was over and his dad will be home on Saturday morning. "Great! We can all hang out longer. If you guys still want to?" Adrien said while scratching his neck. "Sure! But Adrien and I will have to go to the bakeshop so I can tell my parents about our relationship." Marinette said while Adrien held her hand. Alya and Nino told them they will meet them in the mall. So Adrien and Marinette drove Alya and Nino to the mall while Adrien and Marinette drove to the bakery of Marinette's parents.

❗️ Sexual content ahead❗️

~ continuation ~

As Adrien and Marinette dropped of Alya and Nino at the mall. Adrien's bodyguard drove Adrien and Marinette to the bakeshop. 

"I can't wait o tell my parents!" Marinette said in excitement. Adrien smiled and said, "I also can't wait to tell my father I'm in a relationship, and plus for sure he'll like you since you made the hat I modeled for my dad's event remember!" Adrien said with a smile on his face. 

As they reached the bakeshop Marinette held Adrien's hand and entered the shop. "Hi, mom and papa!" Marinette said while waving her hand. 

she ran and gave Sabine and Tom a tight hug. "Hi, darling how are you and hi Adrien how are you, and do you want to get anything?" Sabine asked while removing the baked cookies out of the oven.

 Adrien smiled and bought 2 croissants and 4 macaroons. "So mom and dad remember this morning I said I wanted to tell you guys something important?" Marinette said while scratching her neck.

 She blushed and continued "I'm dating someone and that person who stole my heart is Adrien!" Marinette then pulled Adrien and held his hand. 

"Oh my gosh, darling! you're dating Adrien Agreste? That's so good finally we are soon going to be grandparents!" Sabine and Tom jumping around with excitement. Tom pulled Marinette and Adrien into a family hug.

 As Marinette and Adrien said their goodbyes to the parents of Marinette they rode in Adrien's car and went to the mall to see Alya and Nino. As the bodyguard parked the car Adrien asked him to stay behind just in case if anyone wants to harm or fangirl over him or harass Marinette as like what happened in school with Luka.

 He gave his bodyguard 1000 euros so if he finds anything he likes he has money to buy the stuff. As they entered the mall a lot of girls and a lot of boys looked directly at Marinette and Adrien.

 "Adrien, why are all the boys looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" Marinette asked while coving her face in Adrien's arm. Adrien wrapped around his hands-on Marinette's hips and gave a death stare on any guys who would look at Marinette. 

Marinette called Alya and asked where they were. Alya said that they were inside the department store to shop for new clothes.

As they reached the department store a girl came up to Adrien and Marinette "hi A-Adrien I-I was wondering if I can get your phone number s-so we can get to know each other more?"

 Marinette looked at her outfit she was wearing a short skirt and a tank top her hair was messy and she kind of smelled bad. Adrien refuses kindly and walked away. 

The girl shouted, "Adrien Agreste is here with his girlfriend!" Then all the girls started to scream and ran towards them. Marinette and Adrien ran while the bodyguard stayed behind stopping the other girls to chase him and Marinette. 

As they both saw Alya and Nino checking out at the counter they ran towards them and told them they have to leave the store. since a lot of girls are chasing them.

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