Father's Day Surprise

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~ Preview ~ 

Adrien and Nino went home and picked up Alya, they all said their goodbyes and before Alya rode the car of Nino, she whispered into Marinette's ear saying "girl I can't wait! thank you so much for having me over!" Alya gave Marinette a big hug and drive off with Nino. Marinette and Adrien went inside and kissed passionately. "I missed you princess so much!"  Adrien said while hugging Marinette. "I miss you to Kitty!" Marinette said and both Adrien and Marinette went to the bedroom and went fast asleep.

~ Continuation ~

It was a nice Saturday morning, well not for Marinette she woke up and quickly ran to the bathroom since she had the urge to throw up. Adrien quickly went out of bed and stayed by Marinette's side holding her hair up, "Princess I thought you're better, I'll take you to the doctors later so they could check you up, I can't bear seeing you like this." Adrien said while getting a glass of water for Marinette. 

Marinette stood up and flushed the toilet, "No love please I'm all good, I u-um just tired and I'm a bit sleepy that's all." Marinette said while brushing her teeth. "Oh ok, princess but if this won't stop till next week, I will have no choice to bring you to the doctors," Adrien said with a smile stood up, and gave Marinette a kiss, then went to make breakfast. "Love, princess mom, dad, and father will come over later and I was planning to invite them over for dinner to celebrate father's day!" Adrien said while whisking the eggs.

Marinette ran out of the bathroom and said while catching her breath, "Oh o-ok that would be great! What food are we going to get so I can order for later night?" Marinette asked while looking through her phone, "Um I was planning to have steak and chicken since father and your parents said that they will bring some food over."

 "Oh ok love, I'll order the steak and the chicken, by the way, Tikki will join me at the closet shop since I'll buy some materials u-um for later's dinner," Marinette said while trying not to make it obvious that she has a surprise for Adrien and their parents. Adrien smiled and nodded his head "Sure princess, do you want me to join you?" Adrien asked while serving the food on the table. 

"Oh u-um no it's fine I have everything in control, just stay here and help tidy up the place so mom, dad, and father can feel more welcomed." Adrien smiled and ate breakfast with Marinette, Marinette then stood up and ran to the restroom to throw up, Adrien looked worried and asked Plagg and Tikki if they know what's going on. Tikki and Plagg looked at each other and said "um no it might because you smell like cheese!" Plagg said and flew to Marinette.

"Tikki why can't Plagg act more like you!" Adrien said while fixing the table up and putting the dishes away. "Adrien I don't know, to be honest, well you have to deal with it!" Tikki then gave Adrien a hug and helped him fix the dishes. As Plagg entered the bathroom, he sat on Marinette's head and asked her if she was ok. "Plagg when you guys were in NY, Tikki, Alya, and I found out I was pregnant and I am five weeks now!" Plagg flew around with excitement and gave Marinette a hug. 

"Marinette I'm so happy for you both, I can't wait to see Adrien's reaction later!" Plagg said while Marinette was brushing her teeth, "Yea it's also good timing since our parents are coming over, and they all couldn't wait to have a grandkid, so that's why Tikki and I will go out to buy our surprise gifts for mom, dad, father, and Adrien!" As soon as Marinette left the bathroom Adrien ran and hugged Marinette. 

"Princess are you sure you're ok! I can't bear seeing you like this, do you want me to cancel our dinner later?" Adrien said while holding onto Marinette so tight, "hahaha love, relax I'm all good, Tikki and I will leave in about five mins, so please help me tidy up this place while I grab some stuff for later's dinner." Marinette then gave Adrien a kiss and made Tikki hide inside her bag and drove to the nearest store.

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